A Guide to Angel Numbers


When I’m jolted awake, the first thing I do is check the time. My clock reads 4:44. My friends text me at exactly 2:22, or a cashier hands me $3.33. I glance at the timestamp of a song and notice a variation of repeated numbers. Repeated numbers, usually in a sequence of three or more, are often referred to as angel numbers.

Numerology, the study of spiritual significance in numbers, is widespread across many cultures. The term “angel numbers” was coined by Doreen Virtue. Inspired by the teachings of Pythagoras, an ancient Greek mathematician, and philosopher, Virtue connected numerical combinations to the presence of angels. Although Virtue has since renounced her teachings, interpreting symbolism within everyday life is paramount to many spiritual practices. To best understand what angel numbers are and how they work, let’s explore the meanings of these recurring combinations.


When the number zero is repeated, this is a sign that something new is on the horizon. Zero represents the beginning of a cycle, with all the opportunities and obstacles laid out before the viewer. Consider The Fool in tarot. The first card in the deck is numbered as zero, depicting someone as they step out on an adventure. They’re overlooking a cliff, ignited by the promise of excitement ahead. 


We’ve all been told to make a wish at 11:11. This is because one represents manifestation, planting a seed, or the first step in a cycle. When repeated ones appear, it’s a sign that things are moving in your favor, you just have to put the work in. Every seed needs to be tended to.


Twos relate to balance, duality, and partnership. Its presence indicates support from others; whether it be family, friends, or partners. Seeing 222 is an indication that you should trust the support systems, people, and routines you have in place. Alternatively, 222 could indicate that this area of your life needs some attention. Be mindful of your initial reaction to this message’s themes. 


333 indicates that your creativity and intuition are charged. Now, you have to actually do something about that (with all the stress that follows). 333 signals that support and resources are coming your way; you just have to harness them. Apply your talents to the opportunities or challenges ahead.


444 represents protection, indicating that stabilizing forces are at play in your life. Whether you believe in a higher spiritual power or your own dumb luck, you’re being looked after. This combination can also indicate that great spiritual change is imminent, but don’t worry, you’ve got this. 


Repeated fives indicate a period of transition. Major changes are at work, often orchestrated by unseen forces. When this angel number appears, you may find yourself feeling tired, burnt out, or stifled. Rest easy, a much-needed change is on its way.


Although 666 is often associated with the devil, in numerology, its interpretation is much more benign. When this number appears, it can be an indication of rest, relaxation, and self-care. 666 can call attention to your need to rest, particularly if you’re feeling exhausted, or validate the rest you’re taking. Either way, when this angel number appears, consider what you’re doing to love yourself – every day, all the time.


These numbers are extraordinarily lucky, indicating financial stability, career-based opportunities, or other aspects of material goodness. Its appearance can also indicate spiritual expansion.


888 is all about abundance. It’s a sign that your hard work will yield the results you’ve been waiting for. This can refer to spiritual growth, financial prosperity or any other signifier of self-betterment. Be ready to accept the rewards rolling in, and enjoy them!


Nine represents the end of a sequence. It suggests that a major phase in your life is winding down. While we always see the end of things as a signal to mourn, it’s important to remember that something new will materialize. 999 is a sign to branch out, try new things, and expand yourself.  

 Angel numbers are said to appear when you need them the most. When you see them, notice where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re with. These factors influence your interpretation of each combination and ultimately impact its meaning. Consider this when you notice patterns on receipts or wake up at the same hour two nights in a row. Pause to consider what each angel number has to offer; and how they can guide us, reassure us, or give us the reality check we need.

Taylor Brownbatch 3