Are Love Spells/Potions Ethical?


Witchcraft, at its essence, is erotic. We are drawn to it because it engages all our senses. Glamorous social media Witches showcase the aesthetic with the right lighting, music, pretty ingredients, and a promise that they may or may not be able to fulfill…the elusive ONE—that person who has caught our eye. Energetically notice me, speak to me not just in my dreams but also in reality!! Bring back my ex!! Make me the sexiest, most popular person within my school! 

These are not the only reasons society flocks to witches, of course, but any worth their salt back in the day offered love readings and spells as a service. Love magic will always be the crowd's favorite, and well…we have to pay the bills like anyone else. In today's day and age, witches (and energy workers of all kinds) have the freedom to implement their own boundaries around this work and maybe even gently assist our customers at the same time, but we have to recognize the ethics involved. 

What does love magic even mean? Wikipedia defines it as: “the use of magic to conjure sexual passion or romantic love. Love magic is a branch of traditional magical practice and a long-time trope in literature and art that can be implemented in a variety of ways, such as by written spells, dolls, charms, amulets, potions, or rituals.” The earliest records of erotic magic come from Hellenistic Greece, which incorporated Egyptian and Hebraic practices. Gender roles, as we have been conditioned to know them today, were entirely dismissed in their practices. Most patrons were women, but not for the reasons you would believe. They were looking for a way to have power, to gain energetic control over their partners and relationships, or security of some kind. It wasn’t necessarily for something as innocent as a crush. 

We are human beings who value connection, but we often seek it in ways that only provide a temporary dopamine boost. When a client comes to me seeking love work, it is my responsibility to inquire to some capacity what their intentions are. If they come to me desperate and do not seem emotionally regulated, I may suggest another alternative or reading. Personally, while I am comfortable offering readings where I know I don’t have control over the outcome, I do not do any spells concerning love unless it is self-love. Meddling in others' free will of choosing their partners and who they are attracted to is not a practice I find ideal. It feels like emotional and energetic manipulation, and often it is. If I can help you by providing good energy around a potential date, how you view yourself, and a boost of confidence and pleasure, then sign me up. 


Am I attempting to control an outcome involving someone else? 

Does this act interfere with their boundaries, consent, or free will? 

Am I being seduced by the glamour without thinking clearly? 

Is my nervous system activated by predatory spiritual capitalism marketing techniques? 

Have I taken a moment to stop and invest in my own self-care and nourishment? 

Have I asked my partner if this is okay? (if trying to spice up a current relationship)

Am I aware of the possible outcomes, and am I ready to take responsibility for them 

Do I trust the person doing this energy work for me? What are their ethics?

Often, someone thinks they need love magic when they really need a fresh perspective of themselves and what they can and can't control about another's actions. You want attention, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. You may not notice a need for intimacy and connection you currently don’t hold within yourself. Those new to the witchy world of social media can fall into it if they aren’t careful. If you’re ever unsure, put yourself in the shoes of the person on your mind that you have feelings or attraction towards.  If I found out someone had booked a love spell that involved me single or not, I would feel taken advantage of without my consent. Energetic boundaries exist and are just as tangible as physical ones. 

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