MIDHEAVEN: The Astrological Placement for Your Career

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One of my favorite ways to use astrology is to find out more about my career potential. Many placements have helped give me insight, but the largest indicator is the midheaven. The midheaven, or the tenth house, is a placement that is specifically relevant to one’s career potential and desires. How this placement interacts with other placements in one’s birth chart is relevant, but in this article, we will specifically focus on the characteristics of each midheaven placement by analyzing the signs.


Starting with the first fire sign, we have the Aries midheaven. In general, the sign Aries corresponds with characteristics of passion, impulsiveness, and assertiveness. This placement indicates that in one’s career, it is important to use up one’s fiery energy, which is why this placement is very positive if one wants to be in charge. This Aries placement thrives off of competition, giving them a fiery ambitious spark. An Aries midheaven would do well in leadership positions, medicine, and sports. Jobs that require traveling can also be a strong fit for an Aries midheaven since this will allow them not to feel stuck in one place. In general, anything where an Aries midheaven doesn’t feel stagnant or stifled, is the perfect career for this placement.


A Taurus midheaven is a placement that intertwines the grounded and secure characteristics of Taureans and the Venusian elements of Taureans, such as their eye for beauty. A Taurus Midheaven will want a career that feels stable, yet one that allows them to be surrounded by the finer things in life as they are a quality over quantity group of individuals. This is why having their own small business, going into careers surrounding design, real estate, banking, and anything pertaining to nature are all suitable types of careers. These careers are different, yet they all require the diligence a Taurean midheaven has, and they all give potential results of surrounding oneself with luxury or beauty.


A Gemini midheaven is a placement that thrives off of intellect, creativity, and fast-paced environment. While Earth placements are grounded, air placements are like the wind and desire freedom. However, this is different from fire placements which require intensity and competitiveness. A Gemini placement wants to be challenged intellectually in the workplace. This is why jobs like going into the sciences, public relations, teaching, writing, and the arts are suitable for this placement. In general, careers that allow a Gemini midheaven to self-actualize and grow mentally are the jobs that will feel the most comfortable for this placement.


A Cancer midheaven is a placement that indicates an individual will thrive in an environment of creativity and compassion. The moon rules the sign Cancer, and this is relevant in describing a Cancer midheaven because the intensity and depth of the moon is similar to what a Cancer midheaven desires in their careers. Cancer is a nurturing sign, and this quality can represent itself in many ways. Individuals with a Cancer midheaven could be amazing teachers who desire to foster a safe environment. This placement could also be a leader that wishes to empathize with those they are in charge of, making them understanding bosses. Cancer midheaven tends to be natural artists, writers, and healers. In general, this placement works well in environments where they are growing themselves so that they can nurture the environment they are around.


A Leo midheaven is a placement that thrives off of the limelight in whichever way that may be! They can handle the stresses of pressure in the workforce easier than other placements, which is why this placement exudes a level of confidence. Whatever a Leo midheaven aims to do; they aim to do it well to the degree where their work garners attention. Even if a Leo midheaven doesn’t seek to require a career that traditionally garners attention, this placement tends to desire and receive attention in any field. A Leo midheaven also does well in leadership positions as they have a natural authoritative charisma that exudes them. These reasons are why a Leo midheaven would do well in performing arts, arts in general, politics, and business. Careers that allow this placement to be in the forefront and enable them to feel their full potential have been reached are careers that suit this placement.


A Virgo midheaven is a placement that pays attention to detail and has both a sharp mind and eye. Their detail-oriented nature makes them suitable for almost every career position, but there are fields where their desire to focus on detail is suitable. For example, going into the medical field, such as surgery, working in any design area like fashion design, going into an artistic field like painting, working with languages such as becoming a language Professor or diplomat, and marketing are all examples of potential career options. In general, a career where a Virgo midheaven feels challenged yet constrained by a need to focus is a career that would be the most suitable for this placement.


A Libra midheaven is a charismatic placement with a unique charm for creating a balanced environment, including their own balanced career life. This could imply that this placement desires their personal life and work-life to be balanced, in which neither pushes each other out intensely. However, this placement often means that these individuals desire to create balance and harmony out into the world by encompassing their surroundings with the desire for truth and justice. This is why legal careers, non-profit work, policymaking, musical careers, and journalism are all careers that suit this placement’s need for balance and harmony, as they all allow this placement to project their ideas and values into the world.


A Scorpio midheaven thrives off of careers that inspire intense passion. Whatever this individual decides to do in life, they need to feel very emotionally fulfilled and connected to it. Many times the artistic fields, such as becoming a writer, director, or artist, are highly suitable for this placement, but that doesn’t always have to be the case if an individual with this placement is passionate about different fields. An individual with this placement could also be very interested and enjoy spiritual or mysterious fields due to their need to be highly emotionally fulfilled in their careers. Lastly, because of a Scorpio midheaven’s desire to know the world around them intensely, including the people, their intuitive and curious nature would make them highly suited for careers surrounding Psychology. Overall, a Scorpio midheaven is a placement that desires the complexity and intensity of life in their careers to feel a deeper connection with their work.


A Sagittarius midheaven thirsts for knowledge and can learn information quickly and apply this information to their work. This placement wants to be continuously learning all throughout their life, especially regarding their career path. Going into intensive studies, such as getting a master’s or Ph.D., would be suitable for this placement. This will allow these individuals to garner as much knowledge as possible in the fields that interest them. Jobs that require traveling are also highly suitable for this placement because they will enjoy learning about other cultures by assimilating into different places. With the knowledge that this placement has and desires, they can also find themselves wanting to make a change globally by careers that would allow this, such as being a diplomat.


A Capricorn midheaven is highly ambitious and wants to be the best of the best in their fields of interest. They are natural leaders and may find themselves in leadership positions from a young age, even in their own family dynamics. With their ambitious nature, these individuals find themselves in careers such as managerial positions, becoming doctors, going into finance and business, and law. They also tend to have quality tastes, which allows them to have a strong eye for fashion. Overall, as this placement is Saturn ruled, they will face challenges to obtain their desired career or careers, but a Capricorn midheaven thrives off of these challenges as they see it as a way to prove to themselves what they are capable of.


An Aquarius midheaven is a placement that is future-minded, eccentric, and humanitarian. This placement is always seeing the potential for growth in others, in themselves, and in the world around them. Their future-minded thinking allows them to be the innovators in the world, as they gravitate towards the sciences or businesses that can leverage science and technology to better the world. This placement could also be revolutionary in artistic fields, as they strive to learn from the past, to put a unique spin on the future then. Finally, their humanitarian nature leads them to be fair leaders for social change. Overall, careers that allow an Aquarius midheaven to express themselves uniquely in the world, while also allowing them to use their voice and power to create their desired change, are careers that will fuel this placement.


Those with a Pisces midheaven are a placement that are shapeshifters, as they can juggle multiple passion projects at once. They are the placement that can be described as a modern-day Renaissance individual. A Pisces midheaven is highly creative, compassionate, and imaginative, which are characteristics that they can use to either intertwine into one career or to put into multiple careers, even if they are not in the same fields. For example, a Pisces midheaven would make a wonderful art therapist, as they could potentially correlate their compassionate nature with their joy for creative fields. In general, jobs that allow a Pisces individual to heal others, such as going into medicine or Psychology, are jobs that will let this individual explore their complex inner world. They could also pursue many fields within one type, such as writing, singing, and acting, instead of focusing on one area. Overall, a Pisces midheaven is a placement that does well when they feel like they can constantly be growing in whatever passion project or projects they desire, and with their own growth, they can, in turn, help others find their strength and potential as well.

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