Protection Spellwork: When, Why and How to Begin


You know when someone enters the room and the mood shifts dramatically? Do you feel like it takes you forever to unwind in your own home or room? You may have energy attached to you that isn’t yours. We encounter multiple energies and environments every day, and we often don’t realize what we take or allow in our energetic space does matter. 

Protection work is a way of building energetic immunity the way supplements and health regimens do for your body. It is a muscle you have to build. When I  began regularly protecting myself, it made me more aware of others’ intentions, what my Body was needing and trying to tell me, and strengthening my own trust in my intuition.  I always tell clients not to book that service with me unless they’re ready to see everything and everyone for what it is. Sometimes being able to face head-on what is revealed is the ultimate protection. 

When should you consider protection? 

  • If you feel hexed or like something is “off,” Listen to your intuition.

  • Being in an unsafe, abusive situation (PLEASE also tell someone you trust) 

  • Commuting or living in a busy city 

  • Being easily drained by others consistently

  • Before undertaking an important spell 

  • After you’ve had gatherings or someone who you didn’t like around you

  • To ward a new home 

  • Tough retrograde transits

How often should you protect your space? 

Personally, I protect my space before any spiritual work and when my old protection jars or methods feel like they have lost their potency. Over time my ability to tell when it’s time to replace a jar or do more work has sharpened. I also allow my cat to tell me. When she is acting agitated or out of character, I know it’s time. Your pets can feel and ground energies you don’t always see. Allow them to guide you! 

Protective Cleansing Tips:

Use moon or rainwater you have collected. 

With your fingers, trace protective sigils and symbols onto yourself or your walls. 

Light incense or herbs and open your windows to clear out what needs to go. You can use authoritative statements such as: “I do not allow any negative energy to stay here.” Remove anything that gives you bad feelings or memories. 

Jewelry you wear on a daily/weekly basis carries a lot more than you realize. I cleanse mine with incense or herb bundles or leave them overnight in a selenite bowl since selenite is naturally purifying. This includes piercings, chains, rings, etc. You will begin to notice your jewelry feels lighter when you put it on again! You can also rub protection oil on the back of your neck, tattoos, third eye area, and any part of the body you feel needs it. 

Common Herbs/Spices to Promote Boundaries/Safety and to Calm Anxieties: 

Rosemary - can be left as an offering, used in spells, or burned 

Mugwort - Also used in astral travel. It can be drunk in tea, smoked, or used in jar work. I never go without it. It’s powerful stuff and smells amazing! 

Lavender - Smoke with chamomile and other herbal blends or place under your pillow

Oregano - Banishing, letting go, healing from wounds 

Black/White Salt - Place salt along windows and spells. I like to add it as a base layer to any jars I make 

Crushed Eggshells ( can be used on a candle, in a jar, or placed at windows and doorways) 

Chili Powder, Cajun Spices and Paprika can all be mixed in to reveal any shady business or to spot a lie. I have begun combining chili powder to oil or water and rub it in my hands before shuffling cards if I am trying to get to the bottom of something. Just make sure you don’t rub your eyes ;) 

Coltsfoot - This is particularly useful for immune support. I recommend bathing with it. 

Dragonsblood Oil


Get into the habit of cleansing your space and noticing your body's signals. I’m at the point now where I can feel the difference entering my own room from the rest of my living space. It is like night and day. The energy is attuned to me, and I know when it has been tampered with. This will come to you, too, over time. Study up and get creative. Once you know some basic properties, your guides and intuition will help you become more intentional and creative. 

You can book me to learn how to make your own protection jar or to make one for you here. - 

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