The Blood Moon Cycle: Feminine Flow of Energy

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The Blood Moon occurs May 26, 2021. This moon is important as it is also a Flower Moon, Full Moon, Supermoon, and Lunar Eclipse. This moon marks one of the most powerful moons of the Eclipse Season this 2021.

The moon is very connected to the feminine flow monthly. As the female body goes through monthly cycles, the body adapts to the way the moon carries throughout the moon and blood cycles. 

 In Tarot, the moon contains feminine energy. This Major Arcana card represents our emotions, our hidden emotions, and what we need to nurture in our life. The moon card calls for us to become aligned with our evolving emotions, to express them authentically, rather than suppress them. Emotions are constantly changing, and it is important for us to become aware of how we feel, what makes us feel that way, and why we feel that way.

The blood cycle is the period cycle in which blood flows within our bodies and releases as she purifies us and the womb, preparing our temples to grow and nurture a new orb and life force into the world. In the Blood Moon cycle, There are two cycles in which the blood can flow throughout your body: the White Moon cycle and the Red Moon cycle. 

Each phase of the moon is connected with our energetic blood flow aura. The new moon marks the beginning of the blood flow within us, the beginning of the period. This is known as the Bleeding Phase, and it is a great time for using our bodies and our world to manifest. The waxing moon or first quarter moon is the Pre-Ovulation Phase, which is great for getting started on your intentions from the new moon. The full moon, or the Ovulation Phase, is the most powerful time of the cycle between us and the moon. This a great time for manifesting and releasing. The last phase of the moon is the waning moon, or last quarter. Here is a time to finish what we started and rest and reflect.

Now you might be wondering, “what is the difference between the White Moon cycle and the Red Moon cycle?” Let me share!

These terms are used to differentiate when a woman's period cycle or blood cycle occurs. This can alter as your period cycle can change at any time. The White Moon cycle is the most known, being when your cycle is in sync with the new moon. You bleed on the new moon, and ovulate and prepare during the full moon. Women who bleed around this time are connected with the Earth, entering their mothering energy as the energy is focused inward. These women are nurturers and take care of life's wonders. The Red Moon cycle is more on the rare side and is known as the Wise Woman Energy, as these women are healers and teachers during their time. The energy flows outward, focused on creative expression. These women are very connected to their sexual energy and use their natural empowerment to lead others.

There is also a cycle called the Pink Moon cycle, where a woman bleeds in between the new moon and full moon stages. When bleeding during this time, this symbolizes that a woman is going through a transitional phase of her life. You are coming into your strength and power in an energetic rebirth. There is also a cycle called the Purple Moon cycle, when a woman bleeds between the full moon and the new moon. This is when a woman might be entering a resting stage of her life, one where reflection and intuition are at their highest energetic flow.

In the ancient era, periods and the blood cycle were celebrated, followed by rituals and rest to cultivate and activate your energetic power during this time!

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