Diet Culture Lies We Need to Stop Believing

LIE: Losing weight is always a good thing. 

No. No. No. 

Losing weight happens for various reasons, even if it is purposeful, that doesn’t mean you are receiving a healthy lifestyle. People lose weight due to illness, eating disorders, factors that are sometimes out of their control. 

We must stop correlating weight loss with a healthy lifestyle. We need to stop immediately congratulating people when they lose weight. This is partly because we see being ‘skinny’ as a goal when we shouldn’t. Healthy looks different on everyone. I remember when my mental health was at rock bottom and how it was possibly the worst I had ever felt in my life. But all people could seem to comment on was how “lovely and skinny” I look. They didn’t compliment me on the bags under my eyes or how my complexion had turned a dull shade of grey. None commented on me having not been to school in a week, or the fact that I didn’t eat anything for lunch and how I only spoke when called on.

Do you see the problem? Everyone assumed I wanted to lose weight when in fact it was a byproduct of the sadness that had overtaken me, I didn’t want to lose the weight. But everyone assumed I did. 

Losing weight isn’t always a good thing, do not congratulate weight loss without knowing the person or situation.

LIE: Food is either good or bad. 

“Do not assign morality to food.”- Chelsea Hester   

“Avoid this food for weight loss; avoid this to lose stomach fat; this food is good for fat burning; this food isn’t healthy” 

No food is inherently good or bad. Food for weight loss comes in and out of fashion throughout years. ‘Healthy’ food one day can easily become tomorrow’s poison for your body. Too much of one food makes you sick and unhealthy, eating salad every day is just as bad for you as eating a takeaway every day. We need balance. I recall eggs being toxic because of their high cholesterol but they are now praised as being the best source of protein. Do not assign food good and bad properties or you will never eat anything. Food is here to give you energy so you can live your life, not so you can move meal to meal inscribing the calories and fat count into your head. Let food fuel your adventures, your writing, your sports, your ambitions, don’t let food be your life. 

LIE: Being skinny or a certain body type will make you happy.

If you see pictures of someone with your ideal body type smiling, it doesn’t mean they are smiling because of their body type. It doesn’t mean they are smiling because they are skinny, or even because they are happy. Your weight and body will not bring you the happiness you are looking for, or contentment. Your body is keeping you strong and upright, it wasn’t made to match your ideals. Your body is there to carry you through life, your body is your vessel to help reach your ambitions and goals. 

A great example of being the peak of “physically fit” but remaining unhappy is Zac Efron. 

Zac Efron is praised for his conventual attractiveness and chiseled physic, but in several interviews, he has expressed a dislike for the lifestyle choices he had to change in order to gain his ‘Baywatch’ body. 

Zac Efron's Instagram.jpg

In his new show Down To Earth, while in Italy eating his own pasta, he states, “I went years without eating carbs. When I shot Baywatch, I didn’t eat carbs for six months. I almost lost my mind. You need [carbs]. I still can’t get over how this diet of carbs and low protein is the exact opposite of everything any trainer has ever taught me.” 

Also, when presented with his topless Wax figure for Madame Tussauds in 2019, on the Ellen show he responds to this figure, saying “For guys this is unrealistic. I’m telling you I got big and buff for this movie. But I don’t want people thinking that is the best way to be, be your size. I don’t want to glamorize this.” 

Being skinny doesn’t make you inherently happy. Happiness is more complex than the number of abs you have or the size of the tag on your clothing. 

LIE: Gaining weight is inherently bad or a bad thing that you should avoid. 

Gaining weight comes for all sorts of reasons, and at all ages. It doesn’t make you less loveable and doesn’t mean you are less as a human. A body’s weight fluctuates constantly, for various reasons.  

The NHS (National Health Service) list many reasons to weight gain including;

  • Stress and Low mood- “Some people may lose weight, while others may gain weight. Some people turn to food as a coping mechanism and it can lead to a vicious circle. Weight gain from depression can make you more depressed, which can lead to further weight gain.” 

  • Tiredness- “Some studies have shown that people who sleep less are more likely to be overweight than those who sleep more. One theory is that sleep-deprived people have reduced levels of leptin, the chemical that makes you feel full, and higher levels of ghrelin, the hunger-stimulating hormone.”

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome- “This is a common condition that affects how the ovaries work. Symptoms can include irregular periods, trouble getting pregnant, growing excess hair, and weight gain. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but it's thought to be hormone-related, including too much insulin and testosterone.”

  • Aging- “People begin to lose some muscle as they get older, largely because they become less active. If you're eating and drinking the same amount as you always have and are less physically active, this can lead to weight gain.”

As well as these reasons, there are more external issues such as diet, medication, birth control, genetics, alcohol intake, sitting down excessively (which in a pandemic is completely normal, as everything is online). 

Don’t beat yourself up for your weight fluctuating it is completely normal.  

LIE: Hating/ or being ashamed of your body is normal. 

It is not normal to hate your body, just as it should not be a bonding exercise with other people. We have been convinced that feeling inadequate and feeling broken about our body is normal. It is ingrained within our heads that is normal to hate your body. It isn’t normal, and we need to acknowledge this.

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Weight loss is a million-dollar industry, benefiting big companies and off your insecurities and self-doubt. Don’t give them the satisfaction. 

Helpful Links for those struggling or in need of support.   -“ Jameela Jamil discussing and shares how she’s using her platform, I Weigh, to change the dialogue on how women measure their strengths and establish their self-worth, in hopes of moving towards true gender equality.” – Zoe Blacher Moore, a Twenty-two, BSc Sport and Exercise Science grad and future RD. Talks about weight supplements and why they are bullshit. – “Catherine battled the illness throughout her ‘A’ levels and the first year of her degree which resulted in her taking two gap years to get specialist treatment as an inpatient Eating Disorders Unit. Catherine reveals a deeply honest account into her road to recovery which will hopefully inspire others. and 

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Also, this is my petition I am asking for signatures this month! 

Names of individuals starting from the upper-left-hand corner: Rocky Myers, Pervis Payne, Julius Jones, Brandon Bernard who was murdered by the justice system today, Jennifer Jeffley who is serving life for a murder she did not commit, and Keith LaMar, Lamar Johnson who is serving life for a crime he did not commit, and Terrance Ellison.”