Hot Girl Summer Has Turned to Ocean Girl Summer


However, this time has a lot to teach us about the power of our sadness, anger, and how we choose to channel our feminine energies regardless of gender/orientation. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer is maternal and fierce. A Mother dangerously looks after her own far more than herself. That can make us powerful and detrimental  in the best possible way. When we take the time to learn to work with water, we learn how to stay afloat instead of drowning in our own emotions and despair. So let’s dive in because I’ve got you covered!

Ocean Water 

Salt is considered one of our most natural healers. It protects and cleanses our auras and bodies. There’s a reason witches throw salt over their shoulders whilst cooking or cast circles with it around our workings. Salt from the ocean can help clean infections, icky energies while being potent in purification properties. Every time I’m in a body of salt water, I feel the most connected to myself and the world around me.  Collecting the water in a jar (thrift a cool one if u bad) to bring home is beneficial for your practice in several ways including: 

Spreading over windows + doorways for protection/cleansing 

  • In a ritual bath for yourself 

  • Any spellwork involving the ocean (ex: allurement, grief, healing) 

  • In an herbal spray 

  • Cleansing water-safe crystals and spiritual tools in your home

  • Meditating or mindfully gazing at the water in a bowl/jar 

  • Placing the sea water jar over your tarot deck to cleanse it

Salt Water Tears

I’m a Capricorn so I violently dislike crying, but I’ve learned how much we need to allow ourselves to tap into personal grief. This time of year reminds us of that for a reason. It’s okay to mourn what never came to be, what never should have come to pass and just because! Tears are raw and powerful. Use them in your craft. Trace sigils, collect vials to aid your spellwork. The emotion behind the water can infuse your intention. You are the source of your magic. If you can’t get near a large body of salt water, this practice may help you.

Shell Divination 

Seashells are beautiful for spell jars, altar decor and offerings, but did you know you can use them for divination? It’s a similar process as dice or bones; 8 to 21 shells are used and thrown on the ground. The caster interprets the spread. Shapes, colors and directioning are all details to see and deduce. 

Collect Seaweed 

Seaweed is an ideal ocean plant to attract abundance and protection.. Dry it to keep in your pocket as a talisman for safe travels. I’d advise trying it out the next time mercury goes retrograde. For a change in luck you can hang seaweed off your mirror, doorknob, etc. Let your intuition guide you. 

One summer, I used seaweed for an allurement spell. I was alone in Maine at my family's ancestral home on Sheepscot Bay. I was working with elemental magic and learning so much. I recreated this spell from Scottish Witchcraft , with my own twist. I put in my intention the ability to heal my relationship with my self-confidence. The results have and continue to occur in my life. Here’s what I’m trying next

Breathwork + Water Scrying 

Scrying is a form of meditation and/or divination. Think Galadriel in The Two Towers, or Harry looking at Snape’s memories in the pensieve. Watch the way the water moves, slowly merging your breath with your Body. You may have a revelation, a visual, an emotion, an idea... you may simply be calm. Present. At peace. 

Cat can be found for their writings and tarot readings here.

Catherine Dean