unpublished is made for creators, by creators.


It all started when…

Unpublished Magazine was created out of the frustration that our founder, Rebecca Bloch, felt after countless internship rejections and missed opportunities due to lack of professional experience. After experiencing rejection first hand due to heavy competition, she realized that she probably wasn't the only young creator going through this. She created it not only with the intention of allowing her younger self to have the platform she wished she had while she was in high school but to help other young artists get their voices heard. The name “Unpublished” comes from the idea that everyone’s work is unpublished until they take those first few steps in finding a platform that will house their work. With a large majority of our creators being younger, getting their work on Unpublished is essentially the first publication that their work is being shown on. Unpublished strives to promote artists looking to share their work and encourages them to take the first steps in gaining experience within the publication community.


Unpublished does not discriminate against artists or artwork on the basis of race/ethnicity, color, creed, religion, national origin, citizenship status, gender, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, age, marital status, immigration status, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, use of a trained guide dog or service animal, disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran status in its administration of educational policies, programs, or activities, or any other identities.


All submissions are subject to selection and nonacceptance. Artists whose work is selected in our print zine will be contacted. The work that is selected for our online and print platforms is purely based on relevancy and quality of content curated by our team.

As of right now, we are an independent, non-profit magazine. Proceeds we make from our zine sales and merch directly fund the following issues or other expenses.


we are an all-inclusive collective that stimulates innovative energy and inspires creatives. unpublished fosters a community of change-makers by providing a space for them to manifest their artistic visions.


frequently asked questions


When will I hear back about my print magazine submission?

We will notify you directly if your submission is selected for the print issue. Due to the large number of submissions that we receive we are unable to contact everyone who submits. 

When will I hear back about my staff application?

Thank you so much for your interest in applying! Due to the large number of applications that we receive, we will only contact those who move on to the interview round. 

Where does the income from print zines and merch go?

All of the profits we receive from our sales will fund the next issue. Whether this be shipping costs or investment in projects, our team does not individually profit.

Are staff positions paid?

Unfortunately at this time, we do not have the resources to pay our staff (but we are working on it!). All of our staff positions, including our executive team, are volunteer and unpaid. Although our team does not profit from the work they produce, Unpublished’s goal is to foster a creative environment that helps our staff members grow professionally, even without pay.

Where are you based?

Most of our executive staff is based in Los Angeles, California. However, we have staff members from all over the world.


How does the team review and pick print submissions?

Our executive team goes through each submission and chooses work based on how it matches the theme of the current issue as well as the brand. You can view our Disclaimer which explains that all artwork is subject to selection and non-selection.

Do you accept submissions outside of the United States?

Yes! We love receiving submissions from other continents and countries. Your location does not affect our decision nor your chances of getting published. 

Is there an age limit for submissions or staff applications?

No! All ages are welcome to apply or submit work. You can view our detailed inclusivity statement here.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes! Our team ships out everything from Los Angeles, so international shipping prices will vary based on your location and proximity.


purchasing with us

Unpublished is not responsible for magazines after they ship. If you have questions or concerns about a package please contact USPS for further info.


don’t be shy!

If you have more specialized questions send an email to one of our team members! You can also view our FAQs below.

**Please use this section for questions, comments, and concerns ONLY. All submissions can be sent under the Contribute tab


Please complete the form below
