Getting My Cats During Quarantine


Pets are like family members, and honestly, I don’t know what I would do without my two kittens. I’ve wanted to get a cat since before I can remember, but my mom hated them. Growing up, I had two dogs named Nessie and Ruby. Don’t get me wrong, I love my huge teddy bear-like poodles dearly, but I always wanted a cat. I always loved how you had to earn a cat’s trust. Also, cats are typically more independent than dogs, and for some reason, that spoke to me even at a young age, since I’m pretty independent as well. 

In the middle of a global pandemic (and at the beginning of my sophomore year at NYU), I decided it was finally the right time. Throughout my childhood, I have struggled with anxiety in various forms. My phobia of hospitals caused me to have violent panic attacks anytime I visited the doctor’s office, and my fear of heights caused me to freeze and freak out when faced with a challenge. In addition to this, anxiety plagued my life daily, as I was neurotic about maintaining nearly perfect grades, health, and more. Growing up, going to therapy helped me to find some coping mechanisms to deal with my anxiety, but it never truly went away. During my freshman year of college, I made the decision to start some anti-anxiety medication which helped more than anything else had before. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, my mental health, like many others, took a turn for the worse. I’m a hypochondriac, so for a long time, I was terrified of contracting the virus. On top of this, the social isolation and inability to hang out with friends and do normal things really took their toll on me. Online classes exhausted me, and I felt like I was living in a parallel universe in which my anxiety ruled my life, and there was no escape in sight. During the early days of quarantine, I hadn’t realized that the cure I needed wouldn’t come in a pill bottle, but rather in the form of a cat. 

I finally got my first kitten (a girl, black) in September of 2020, and named her “Salem” after the cat from Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Binx (a boy, white) came around Thankgiving and was named after the cat in Disney’s iconic Halloween classic Hocus Pocus. They’re still quite young, with Salem turning a year old in July, and Binx turning a year old this coming September. I initially only planned on getting one cat, but after a few months, my mom surprisingly convinced me to get a second one. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made. I truly believe that my two kittens saved me mentally. My cats love each other more than I could have ever hoped for, and they play together all day every day. This sounds ridiculous, but I could watch them poke each other for hours. It sounds cliche, but every day they bring me joy. They sleep beside me at night and wake me up with kisses in the morning. 

I admit it, I’m a full cat mom now. My entire camera roll consists of pictures of my fur-children. My entire family loves them (my formerly cat-hating mom included), and they have become part of our family. After struggling with anxiety my entire life, my kittens have given me a sense of purpose and made me feel calm. Studies have also shown that interactions with dogs and cats trigger releases of dopamine, oxytocin (also known as the bonding/“love hormone”), and serotonin in our brains, making us feel calm and happy. The release of these hormones not only makes us feel better, but they are also beneficial to our overall health. The release of these hormones lowers the risk of heart attacks and improves overall immune functioning. I always thought my cats would just be pets, but they have turned out to be so much more. They are my emotional support system, and they’re my family. It’s the best of both worlds- my cats are independent, but also cuddly and loving. They require minimal care and don’t destroy furniture or have accidents in the house. They love me, and I love them unconditionally. 

Getting my cats was the easiest decision I have ever made, and I can’t imagine my life without them. They’ve changed my life for the better without even trying, and I would recommend getting a cat to anyone. They’re easy to care for and incredibly loving (despite the stereotypes). Although getting pets during a global pandemic was daunting, I would make this decision over again in a heartbeat. If you have been having a hard time mentally, getting a pet just might be something for you to consider too. While you think it over, I’m going to go cuddle with my cats. I hope you like these pictures of my fur-children!

Maya Mehrarabatch 6