The Beauty of Becoming

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As I was working on my vision board for 2021, I came across the quote “Enjoy the beauty of becoming.” It really resonated with me because in the modern world of high school and social media, it is so easy to get lost in comparing your lives with someone else’s, when in reality, everyone is in a different place. One of the most important lessons I have learned is that life is a constant work in progress.

Being open to change is not easy, but once you accept the fact that life is going to move on, with or without you, most people decide that they want to be a part of the journey. Watching yourself grow and become a higher version of who you were yesterday can be so rewarding. People often talk about becoming the “best” version of yourself, which suggests that there is a limit to your potential when really, your growth is infinite. 

A wonderful metaphor I found for growth says that when you are planting seeds in a garden, you don’t dig them up every day to check on their progress. Instead, you water and care for them, letting them grow in their own time. The same applies to life, if you work on yourself every day and are patient with the results, one day you’re going to look back and realize that you were blooming all along. 

Some habits that I have implemented in my life for self-improvement include journaling, listening to podcasts, getting in touch with my emotions, reading, meditating and yoga, and the art of simply being. The idea that you have to constantly be working or “productive” to be worth something is so detrimental. It took me a long time to realize that taking time for myself and doing what I want to do is not being selfish. 

Every weekend, I look forward to winding down at the end of the day. Lying in bed reading a book, listening to music, or watching a show can be something so personal. I love to light a candle and have a warm drink next to me as well. The hustle and bustle of the weekday is enough to drain anyone, which is why it is so important to take the time to do something that doesn’t require any thinking or energy as a way of recharging yourself. 

I used to be one of those people that start journals, but never end up finishing them. I always felt this pressure to make sure all the pages were neat and every word written was worthy. I am here to say that none of that is true because there are no rules in journaling. The pages can be as aesthetic or as messy as you want them to be. You can choose to write one sentence or four pages. Most nights I dedicate some time to reflecting on the day and my feelings. I often ask myself: Does this [action] reflect my inner being? Does this support the life I dream of? 

Journaling is not only about reflecting, but about looking forward as well. For many people, there is a lot from their past that they have yet to heal from. When writing, look at your actions and emotions with empathy and compassion. It does you no good to beat yourself up over what happened,. Instead, work on how you can grow and become a better person from the experience. 

I am not going to say that reading is underrated, but I do think that some people don’t do it enough. Reading truly opens your eyes to perspectives and ideas that you’ve never heard of before, and that is the foundation for growth. It does not have to be self-help books or even poetry collections, you can find life and meaning in just about any piece of literature. Read books like how you should be living life, with an open mind. 

With all of this being said, you won’t evolve into a new version of yourself overnight. You’re not going to be able to tell the difference in the mirror or in conversations right away. The gradual process of becoming is much more subtle than that. You’re going to have moments when you doubt yourself, but you’re also going to have days when you feel like you’re on top of the world. That is the beauty of becoming. 

Julie Huynhbatch 5