Can You Hug Me As I Go?



I was initially skeptical about Season 2 of The Umbrella Academy because I didn’t think anything could possibly top the first season. However after spending one day watching the season, it did not disappoint. 

First of all, I love a good time jump. Transporting the characters back to 1963 was an interesting and daring decision, but it worked. The characters are sent to the moment just before the Kennedy assassination, so the context is established. The overall ‘wants and needs’ of the characters are simple: get back to 2019, and don’t die. Creators Blackman and Slater did an incredible job of balancing the individual storylines of each character and then intertwining them to connect to their shared goal. 


Ben’s prominent role in this season made it a million times better. We see his connection with Klaus and more of his personality is revealed to viewers. It’s only right that he is the one who saves Vanya. Ben shows his family that he’s been with them the whole time and that even though he’s dead, he has their backs. Additionally, the new character, Lila, is an important addition to the series. Lila is a badass and comes from a broken home - like the rest of the Umbrella Academy. When it was revealed that she’s The Handler’s daughter, I audibly gasped. Of course the girl that Diego falls in love with is working against him. I was invested in Lila’s story from the very beginning and I was genuinely pissed off when she disappeared in the last episode. WHERE DID SHE GO? Now that The Handler is dead, we must wait until the next season to see what became of Lila… 

I cannot get over how great of a character Five is. I was obsessed with him in the first season and even more impressed with him in the second. In my opinion, he’s the main character of the show. Five is the one I’m truly interested in, and to find out how he’s going to save the day. Additionally, Allison’s storyline incorporates wider world issues into this season. We see her fall in love and fight for what she believes in. Allison being married and fighting for civil rights reminds us that despite the show’s fantastical elements, the real world is still very much alive. This grounds the characters and the world in which they live. These kids have special powers but everyone else is normal - this makes the series and concepts even more fascinating than before. 

This show does a great job of drawing you in for the next season. At the end of Season 1, Five helps the entire gang escape the apocalypse. We don’t know what happened to them and are left to restlessly wait for the second season to see where the characters ended up. The gang is literally dropped into the beginning of season two in a rather confusing manner, but that's part of the show. The ending of Season 2 frustrates me because I desperately want to know what happens next. In the ending of the season, the Umbrella Academy arrives back in 2019, but their father is still alive and running something called ‘The Sparrow Academy’. What’s shocking is that Ben is living and well - and has emo punk rock hair. What’s more, it was revealed earlier in the series that their father isn’t human, so I am VERY interested to see what happens next...


I’m a sucker for a good soundtrack and both seasons of The Umbrella Academy include music and songs which push the story along and complement the themes perfectly. It’s another level of the show that keeps things entertaining. Also, I love superhero shows and I’m impressed by the way the writers have successfully persuaded us, the audience, to root for the anti-heroes. These characters aren’t necessarily good people, but somehow I always want them to get what they want. There isn’t a single person in this show that I dislike, which hardly ever happens.

Above all, this show draws you in. You may not understand what’s happening some of the time but your eyes will be glued to your screen. Season Two does not disappoint. Between the setting, character storylines, and unexpected plot turns, you’ll likely binge all nine episodes in one night. In conclusion, this show slaps and the second season blew my socks off.

Lindsey Rabinowitzbatch 1