In Memoriam: Chadwick Boseman


“Purpose is the essential element of you. It is the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history. Your very existence is wrapped up in the things you are here to fulfill."

— Chadwick Boseman

Chadwick Boseman was a force to be reckoned with. When the news of his passing surfaced, the internet was flooded with an overwhelming outpouring of love for Boseman and the immensely powerful body of work that he had cultivated over the past decade. He was a man that could be described with many words: Poised. Beautiful. Graceful. Loving. Generous. Talented. Inspiring. These are just a few of the ways in which his co-stars, friends, and fans described him. Yet there is so much more to be said.

Gabrielle Sustano, our Fashion and Beauty Writer here at Unpublished, stated; “Chadwick Boseman never used his disease as an excuse, let alone ever brought it up. To a lot of people, his disease was new information. A lot of us were unaware about how much pain and suffering he was going through just to put a smile on our faces. His movie and character in Black Panther has done a lot for our society such empowering Black people, bringing awareness to minorities and inspiring little kids. Around last year, I realized he did lose a lot of weight and naturally assumed it was for a new acting gig. I never thought that he was sick and whenever I saw him on red carpets or at met galas, he was always smiling and truly enjoying his time there. Rest easy Chadwick Boseman, a man that did so much in his life.”

I remember the day I went to see Black Panther on its opening night. My mother was so excited. We had to see it at the 8pm Friday premiere. We left straight from school and got dressed to go to the theater. I’ve always been a lover of movies, but nothing has ever excited me as much as Black Panther’s release. I was so excited that I was physically shaking throughout the entire runtime. This is the joy that Chadwick Boseman gave to people - that same joy that Gabrielle Sustano described earlier.

To me, the most beautiful part of his prolific career is the fact that from 2013 to 2020 - just seven years - he made twelve incredible films. Despite all that was happening, he continued working because acting was his one passion. He used his voice and raw talent to represent Black people, historical Black heroes, and the Black community in an utterly beautiful and genuine light; this was undoubtedly his life goal. Boseman used his tragically short time on Earth to actively change the way the world views Black people. I will forever be thankful and indebted to his legacy.

MJ Stratton, our Love and Relationship Writer, remarked; “I was watching a black and white movie when the news broke. Gutted, I paused the movie, turned away. I talked to the moon like it was him, the usual things: my condolences, my thank yous, my thoughts are with your wife - and for a moment I felt less crazy than I usually do. Less crazy but just as sad. I didn’t know Chadwick Boseman, personally. I haven’t even seen all of his films. And yet, there is grief in my belly - and I think that speaks to his magic. That was the power of Chadwick Boseman: he could fiercely and positively impact a life through something as impersonal as a screen.”

Chadwick Boseman captured audiences with his strong screen presence, inspiring people around the world with his kindness, and heart that overflowed with love for those around him. Personally, I will always regret the fact that I never got to thank him in some way. Without Black Panther, I don’t think I would be in film school today. That movie, (along with a selection of others), inspired me to pursue a career in directing and screenwriting. Since I could not thank him in person, I can only thank him in spirit. He may not know it, but myself, and many other aspiring filmmakers, owe so much to him.

The way Chadwick Boseman was able to seamlessly transform himself for the multitude of roles he played, was a sight to see. He was an entire masterclass wrapped into one body. One day, when seeing him on the screen does not make me quite so sad, I will watch his films again and feel that same sense of awe that I felt the first time I saw him acting, to see him in all of his glory again. I will cherish this, and every moment I experience with his wonderfully varied characters and performances.

To Chadwick Boseman: Thank you. Rest well. The world will never forget you, or what you gave to us. We’ll never forget how you came into our lives so unexpectedly and left each and every one of us slightly better than before. Thanks to you, the world shines brighter. There is so much left unsaid and undone, but what you were able to do was so incredible; the people you have touched, whether personally or through the screen, will never be the same. And for that, we will forever be thankful.

Sydney Paolerciobatch 2