What We Do In The Shadows, Season 2


I didn’t watch Season 2 of What We Do In The Shadows right away, as I figured I would be underwhelmed. The slight cliffhanger that concluded the first season did not leave me very intrigued, so I put off watching the next season. Eventually, I got around to it, and ended up watching the entire season in one sitting.

What We Do In The Shadows, on FX, is based on the 2014 movie of the same name. The first season came out in 2019, and the second season was available to watch on Hulu, in June of this year. If you’re not familiar, it’s a mockumentary TV series about vampires living in Staten Island. 

The show centers around a group of four vampires; Nandor The Relentless, Laszlo Cravensworth, Nadja, and Colin Robinson.The four vampires live together in a mansion with Nandor’s familiar, Guillermo Del La Cruz. On top of trying to fit in with the society of modern Staten Island, the creatures face threats from the supernatural world.

What We Do In The Shadows combines two of my favorite genres; fantasy and comedy. Despite being so hesitant to watch Season 2, it completely cracked me up. The story lines were just as wild and hilarious as the first season. 

What draws me into this show is the way its creators take something that viewers, (aka humans), can relate to, and run with it. For example, there’s an episode in Season 2 where the vampires attend a Super Bowl Party. The writers place the vampires in a common situation, and add the supernatural flare and comedy to it. 

In my opinion, the best episode of Season 2, is when Laszlo decides to flee the vampire mansion and start a new life. After another vampire had come after him, threatening his life, Laszlo became a human bartender in a small town. Although every episode was hysterical, this one in particular reminded me why this show is so incredible. Besides Laszlo trying to hide, and his vampire friends mourning his absence, the episode follows the storyline of the small town. The town wants to send their volleyball team to state, but they don’t have enough money, so Laszlo hosts a talent show at his bar to raise the funds. He becomes a hero in this small town. This is a show about vampires! The way this episode went off on a tangent yet still tied together the classic vampire tropes was extraordinary. I bet you forgot all about the neck biting and blood sucking when I was talking about the volleyball team. This episode was nominated for an Emmy. 

Season 2 was a great follow-up to the first season. Some storylines from the first season were explored further in the second, and we got to learn more about our characters. It would be impossible for this show to be successful if we didn’t consistently learn about the main characters. These vampires have been living for hundreds of years and we only just met them. The second season gives us more information about our main cast, while also distributing fantastic humor. 

I’ve been smiling the entire time I’ve been writing this article, because I’m thinking about all the funny moments! I can’t wait for season 3. 

Lindsey Rabinowitzbatch 4