I am currently sitting in my apartment back in Los Angeles after spending the entire summer working as a camp counselor in Vermont. I experienced and learned a lot over this summer, and I wanted to center this month’s photo story around a phenomenon that most people struggle with in this life: vulnerability. Particularly the vulnerability that comes with letting your guard down with someone you care deeply about, letting your walls slowly fall, and how you can only really do that by loving yourself first. Letting your facade down, your ego, your surface, when you have someone that truly sees you for who you are is one of the most special experiences you can have with another person. To truly open your heart is terrifying, but the amount of joy, love, and bliss on the other side of it is worth the risk.
Before I arrived at camp, I had only known one other counselor. I had fears of not finding a community amongst my coworkers, and I was worried that my summer would consist of surface-level relationships, almost performative rather than genuine. However, I was met with so much love and respect from my peers, and I felt very supported from the start. One of the most meaningful connections of my life was formed this summer, and I could not be more grateful for this new person that has gifted me with their presence. So, this photo story is dedicated to them, and I want to make it known that they deserve every bit of praise and love in this short paragraph.
Dearest yin to my yang- I am filled with so much gratitude, appreciation, and love for you. All of our days together were nothing short of magical, and it has been such a wild ride to experience life with you these past months. Thank you for being open to my love that overflows for you, and I am eternally grateful to know you. I am looking forward to continuing to discover your growth edges, navigating moments that are beyond our limits, and stepping into the unknown with you. To many more adventures in the future…