Dream Chaser: an Interview with Chase Evers

Chase Evers is a singer/songwriter from Los Angeles, California. She has loved music her entire life and released her first single in 2018 titled “Old Habits” and released her second single “Closure,” in late 2019. She is working on releasing her first EP in the near future. She will be a sophomore at the University of Southern California in the Fall studying music industry at the Thornton School of Music. She hopes to continue pursuing a career in the music industry and to release more music

[Unpublished:] How did you get into music? 

[Chase Evers:] When I was around two to three years old I remember watching an award show and they were showing a live performance. I started to mimic the live performances and had my parents record it so I could watch it over and over again. Ever since then I was always singing around the house. My dad also played a little bit of guitar and was super into music. He was always playing The Beatles, Johnny Cash, and Queen so I was introduced to music at a very young age. 

[Unpublished:] Who are you signed with? 

[Evers:] I'm not signed to a record label, but I’m signed to a publishing deal. I'm working with my current manager who's an A&R, which means artists and repertoire. He finds artists and develops them, but he's not necessarily a manager. He is developing me and will shop around bigger labels once I have enough songs released. 

[Unpublished:] How did you get your publishing deal? 

[Evers:] I had a singing account on Instagram and I would post a lot of covers. I hadn't released anything and covers were the extent of what I was doing. I also did some live performances around my neighborhood because I was trying to gain experience and get out there. An old friend of my moms saw a video on her Facebook and sent it to her friend who works in the industry. He reached out and we talked a little bit before he set me up with a producer in LA for a session. When I walked into the session, I played one of my songs, we made a track for it electronically, and recorded the vocals. We worked really well together and then I released my song, “Old Habits”. Last summer, I signed a formal contract for a year and that made everything official. 

[Unpublished:] Do you want to be in the music industry for the rest of your life? 

[Evers:] I definitely knew that this is what I wanted to do but I never knew that it could actually happen for me. I always thought the industry was super unrealistic and thought I couldn’t do it. Once I started releasing music, meeting people, and establishing myself as an artist I realized that this is something I could pursue. I'm currently in college so if the music doesn't work out for me I want to do something in the entertainment industry such as management or A&R. 

[Unpublished:] Where do you get your inspiration from when writing songs? 

[Evers:] I’m always driven by emotions and real-life events. Sometimes I’m not even trying to write a song and I’ll be sitting there playing and I’ll like the melody and then I'll throw it on my voice memos. I'll come back to it later and then build off of that. On the other hand, I’ll sometimes have specific things I want to write about and it will flow naturally. It really depends on the situation. If I'm at home just writing, it's usually pretty natural and relaxed but if I’m going to a session, I think about what’s on my mind and what I want to write about either before or during it.

[Unpublished:] How do you deal with judgment and opening up?

[Evers:] When I released my first single, I knew people would judge me behind my back but at the end of the day, I'm doing what I love. My friends were really supportive and at school, people would come up to me and tell me they liked my song which was really nice because it was people I had never talked to before. People I don’t know listen to my music and sometimes I don’t realize the magnitude of it but it’s really cool. 

[Unpublished:] What is the best advice you can give someone who wants to go into the music industry? 

[Evers:] Keep at it and don't give up because you never know who's gonna who's going to come across your Instagram or who's going to be walking by if you're singing live somewhere. I’m still brand new to the industry and just doing what I’m passionate about. I’m going to keep at it and hope I can go places with it. Keep doing what you love because even if it doesn't work out as a career, you’re still doing what you’re passionate about. 

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