Exploring Music, Movies, and Metamorphosis with Peach Tree Rascals


Peach Tree Rascals burst to fame when their song, “Mariposa” went viral on TikTok in 2019 with its heartfelt lyrics and melodic vocals. Since then, they have continued releasing song after song with a genre-bending sound that spans from alternative pop to hip-hop. For the 2022 Governors Ball music festival, they brought their playful personalities and eye-catching aesthetics. We had the opportunity to chat with them about music careers, movie soundtracks, and their song, “Mariposa.”  

[UNPUBLISHED:] We would love to start off and talk about one of your most notable songs called, “Mariposa” which captures the struggle of growing and the beauty of metamorphosis. Why do you think so many people have connected with this song? What about it do you believe really speaks to people?   

[JASPER:] I think people connect to “Mariposa” just because it feels so genuine. Everything is so unique to us and everything is written by ourselves. 

[ISSAC:] As far as the subject matter goes, everything we wrote about was happening in real-time. I feel like a lot of it is common circumstances for a lot of people that we’re listening. So it became relatable for a lot of people overseas and over here in America. It was special.

[UNPUBLISHED:] The music video for “Mariposa” offers fresh, vibrant, and playful shots; it features clips of you guys doing everything from dressing up as butterflies to running around at sunset. What was the inspiration behind the visuals of this music video? How did you make your artistic vision become a reality?  

[JORGE:] So the music video, I kind of just winged it. It was like my fourth music video ever. So it was just spur of the moment to do whatever we can with what we have. Because we didn't have much, I paid for everything basically. Very DIY, we did everything ourselves. It was a lot of fun. That's the point of it. We wanted to just make something that we enjoy that we felt other people would enjoy. So yeah, I just wanted it to be pretty. I guess it worked.

[ISSAC:] And, for the dressing up as a butterfly thing, I just told Jorge, I was gonna order butterfly wings on Amazon. Then, I just showed up with butterfly wings and said, “Let's roll.” 

[UNPUBLISHED:] Speaking of visuals, how would you explain the aesthetic of Peach Tree Rascals? What do you want people to take away when they see your album covers, photoshoots, and music videos?  

[JORGE:] I want people to feel like a kid again, basically. I want them to have that feeling of nostalgia and just like a genuine feeling of happiness and being yourself and doing what you want to do. I love when little kids draw stuff and they put it on their fridge or in the walls. I think there's a special art feeling so that we're like you can't really replicate it as an adult. I'm really glad that I'm able to find the ways to get that feeling and put it out to other people makes me really happy.

[UNPUBLISHED:] How did your lives change after “Mariposa” went viral on TikTok? In your personal and professional lives, what differences have you seen in the way people treated you and your music career?   

[TARREK:] Well, we're a lot more busy. We're able to move in together, live together and become creatives full time, and focus and dedicate our time to you know, just being creative being around each other and getting to be inspired just by living. It's a beautiful thing. And, we get to go on tour and travel to places we’ve never been to. 

[ISSAC:] Prior to having success as artists, I felt like I was kind of trying to find a way for myself, and make sure I was okay in my life and didn't really need too much support from my parents. And now it kind of transitioned into like, “Okay, how can I get the whole family ahead in life?” That's just like a night and day transition.

[TARREK:] It showed us that this is possible because when you're a kid and when you're not doing this, you feel like it looks so far away. It looks impossible to get to a place like this where you get to create full-time and travel and perform. But, it's possible. We did it. You can do it too and all it took was just some dedication, some hard work, some time and you know our intentions were there and you know, beautiful things happen at the right timing. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] One of my favorite songs of yours is “Song From Hell” and it immediately became a favorite in the Spotify playlists. Throughout the song, the lyrics “Hold on my hands sweet darling we can get away” make me think that this would be a perfect song for a coming-of-age movie soundtrack. If you could have a song of yours featured on any movie soundtrack, which movie would it be and why?

[JOSEPH:] Well, like, I have a director in mind. I like Wes Anderson films. A24 movies are amazing too. Maybe Everything Everywhere All at Once

[JORGE:] Spider Man 2, when Peter and Doc Ock are fighting on a train. Imagine “Song From Hell” playing. Also, Shrek 5. All of them. The same song in all five Shrek movies. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] Being here in New York City and having the honor of performing at Gov Ball, would be a dream for many. Would you have ever imagined being at this point in your music career? What were some of the successes and failures that have brought you here today?  

[ISSAC:] So prior to even meeting these guys, I was releasing music and stuff and always had a long term vision of playing to crowds. I mean, everything that we're doing now, like every single show, it's like a dream come true. But since it's happening, and since we've set goals for ourselves, it kind of becomes like a step in the process towards something bigger. We're just going to keep working, keep our head down until we reach that point. Try to enjoy the little successes on the way as much as we can, but maintain focus.

[UNPUBLISHED:] As young musicians in the music industry, what advice do you have for young people looking to pursue music? Perhaps, your song “Good Advice” offers some answers to this question, but do you have any particular tips or techniques that have helped you advance in your music careers?   

[ISSAC:] Well, step one, when it comes to being a young musician, find people who are on the same page as you and kind of form a little team. Even if not everyone has musicians, it's important to have that support system and opinions that you could trust. Another thing, when it comes to opinions, don't get too high. Don't get too low. People will say your stuff’s awesome and people will not pay attention to anything. It's better to hear those things, but not necessarily listen to them. Just kind of know where you are and be self-aware in the process and just do it for the love of the art. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] How would you describe Peach Tree Rascals using only three adjectives?  

[PEACH TREE RASCALS:] Genuine, sweet, timeless.

Photo by @okaynicolita

Make sure to follow Peach Tree Rascals on Instagram and stream them on Spotify!

Abigail Alvarez