From TikTok to Spotify: Meet Chloe Noone


[UNPUBLISHED:] Tell us about yourself.

[CHLOE:] My name is Chloe Noone. I am 19 years old from Liverpool, and I am a singer-songwriter, aspiring artist who was featured in a song with Yungblood.

[UNPUBLISHED:] What was the inspiration for your verse?

[CHOLE:] A month ago, my sister saw Dom’s TikTok and she told me he was doing a duet where you write your lyrics. I was against it because I knew he wasn’t going to notice it. But she convinced me to just do it. I then got my notepad out and started writing to his song ‘Parents’ and got thinking about things that make me mad. I am very outspoken about sexism, misogyny, and feminism. I've been bombarded with hate on the internet for speaking out for women's rights and I'm tired of being labeled as the villain. I’m just bringing your attention to what it needs to be brought to. I wanted to bring an uplifting experience to women. The next day I saw that he dueted it on TikTok and I thought that would be the extent of the madness to me. Then, four weeks later, he zoom called me and said “I'm sending you to a studio, I liked your verse that much that I am putting you on the song”. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] Did you know Yungblood/Dom was going to zoom you?

[CHOLE:] My sister knew because he messaged her saying “keep it a secret from Chloe”. She told my mom who woke me up and said to get up, get ready, put some makeup on, put my clothes on, and look presentable. My sister came in with my laptop and said my friend was facetiming me. His whole team was on the phone and he said  “I loved your ‘Parents’ duet and I wanted to call to say it was amazing. I liked it so much I’m going to send you to Parr street studio to record it” Then he said, “I’m going to get you up on stage to sing at the full gig in October”. I was like “oh my god I’m going to need to like do major preparation because there's no way I’m going to be able to do this”. I got off the phone and just sat there and I could not speak. The next day I went to Parr street studios, and it was so much fun. It was a massive skyrocket kick-off to my music career and I did not expect it at all which makes it even better. The fact that it happened with a verse I am passionate about and everyone knows where I stand as a person is really cool.

[UNPUBLISHED:]  How do you feel knowing you got this opportunity through TikTok?

[CHOLE:] It’s crazy because I literally joined a year ago and I started on TikTok doing a little room transformation thing, and after that, I got like 2000 followers and I was like “oh my god and famous”. Then I branched into music, so when I say this opportunity came and smacked me in the face, it really did. I am so thankful to TikTok, there's so much creativity on it. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] Was this an overnight success or did it take a while to build up?

[CHOLE:] Overnight. I went to sleep and I remember it was at 300 likes and I thought I had smashed it. Then I woke up and it was at 100k likes overnight. Then I saw Yungblood dueted it and I thought it was mad. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] Have you always been into music?

[CHOLE:] When I was a kid, I was obsessed with Hannah Montana. I got this little pink guitar and I tried to write songs, but it just sounded like noise. I have always loved music, I was a dancer and I moved to Spain when I was eight where I was in the choir. Then when I moved back, I joined an academy set up by Christopher Maloney who was on X factor. I was the lead in plays there which is really cool. Then I went to secondary school and got more academically involved and kind of left it but then my friend asked me to come to the open evening at LIPA (Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts). I auditioned and got in and now I couldn't imagine myself being interested in anything academic. If I didn't go to college I wouldn't be where I am now.

[UNPUBLISHED:] How do you feel seeing all these TikTok’s using your song?

[CHOLE:] It is so weird. I love that everyone is using my verse and seeing so many young women especially using it and being passionate about, it is incredible. Seeing certain boys using it as well is nice to know that they are allies. It's really rewarding.

[UNPUBLISHED:] Do you have any plans to release new music?

[CHOLE:] Definitely. I have been doing the nitty-gritty contract stuff, and I have all the heavy writing out the way. I also now have the Artists Spotify up so I can start to put stuff onto that. I've got some songs that are going to come out but I’m a bit worried about it because I’m not a punk singer like Dom, I’m more of a folk-pop, soul singer. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] What have you been listening to recently? 

[CHOLE:] I love Jorja Smith. Lyricism is really important to me so if you have really good lyrics and passion or soul behind it, then you’re smashing it.

Stream ‘parents’ on Spotify now