Rising Pop Star Natalie Jane on Her Newest Single ”seeing you with other girls"


[UNPUBLISHED:] Congrats on the new release of your single “seeing you with other girls.” How are you feeling about it? 

[NATALIE JANE:] seeing you with other girls” means a lot to me because I’m used to writing really mean and aggressive songs, not really acknowledging feelings, more just bashing my ex. I wanted to take a second to be more vulnerable. This song came from a very sad part of my heart when I saw my ex with a new person. I think everyone goes through that sad phase in life at least once so I decided to turn that pain into a song so I could cry to with thousands of people who feel the same way as me. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] I’m obsessed with the new single! What was the inspiration behind the song? 

[NATALIE JANE:] I consider myself to be a very happy person but even the happiest of people have bad days. For me this song stems from a series of bad days in a row where I would see pictures of the person I once loved with another girl. It was almost heartbreaking, so I thought rather than cry about it alone, I should write about it so I could cry to the song with whoever listens to it. I designed this song to be kind of like an outlet for sad people to go to when they need vent about their relationship problems. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] I could feel the pain and passion through your powerful vocals, is it challenging releasing something so vulnerable out there for everyone to listen to? 

[NATALIE JANE:] I think at first it was challenging but now looking back on it I’m really happy that I did put it out into the world because there are millions and millions of people who are feeling exactly what I’m feeling. Some people don’t have the outlet that I have, which is writing music, so if they can listen to something that helps them get through the pain, it’s very rewarding because it feels like I am helping someone. Even if that wasn’t my initial intent, it makes my dream job ten times more worth it. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] I love that you mentioned that you want your music to be something for people to put on when they’re feeling upset or need something to scream along to, what are some songs you listen to when you need that too? 

[NATALIE JANE:] When I need to scream I listen to “In The Kitchen” by Reneé Rapp. There’s a line in the song: “I’m too scared to delete all our videos, cause it’s real once everyone knows.” A breakup is usually a very personal and private matter between two people so when you think about other people, friends and family, finding out about it, you get scared- or at least I do. I don’t want people coming up with their own scenarios about my relationship and/or how it ended. So when Reneé sings that line, I scream it. I love that song, I love Reneé, and I love how her music makes me feel. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] You worked with two amazing producers, Pink Slip and Ryan Marrone, who worked with artists like FLETCHER and Sabrina Carpenter. What was that experience like? 

[NATALIE JANE:] I have been a huge Sabrina Carpenter fan from the beginning of her artist days back in 2015. I had her song “Can’t Blame A Girl For Trying” on repeat for weeks on end until my brother started yelling at me to turn it off. She has been and still is a huge inspiration to me and seeing how she’s blown up these past couple years gives me a lot of hope that it is possible for me to do so too. To work with those producers feels like I am taking the right steps to make my dream possible. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] I know you recently played two sold-out shows in Los Angeles and New York! What was that experience like? 

[NATALIE JANE:] A lot of what I do is creating videos on the internet and releasing music based on numbers and comments. I don’t see faces or interact with people human to human, it is all through a screen. It was one of the craziest feelings in the world when I saw rooms packed with people singing my songs back to me. I was able to see their faces, I could see how they were feeling, and after the show I even got to meet and interact with them. It was nothing like I ever in the past few years getting to know this industry. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] Do you have a favorite song to perform live? 

[NATALIE JANE:] My favorite song to perform live is “Seven.” During the song, I say “Was it ever really love if the night that we broke up both went out to go hook up with the one we told each other not to worry about.” And when I tell you the audience didn't just sing this back, they SCREAMED it. I had full body chills. It also feels really cool that it’s not just me yelling at my ex, but everyone in the crowd too. It’s kind of nice.

[UNPUBLISHED:] Who are some artists that you take inspiration from or look up to? 

[NATALIE JANE:] Recently I have been getting a lot of inspiration for my music from Labrinth. His ability to create a movie inside of a single song is unreal. When I listen to his music I feel like I can close my eyes and envision a whole different universe and just escape reality. I have recently been on a path to try and create that same feeling from my own music. It would be an absolute dream come true if I ever get to work with him. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] What are some things you’ve been loving recently? It can be anything! 

[NATALIE JANE:] I have always been super into painting. I have been creating visual art as long as I have been singing and creating music. I actually almost applied to college for art. I love it because it helps me get my mind off of work and all the stress that comes with it. It is sort of my form of mediation. Today, I am trying to incorporate my art into my life more so I drew the cover art for one of my recent releases, “Crazy” with colored pencil and I am looking forward to doing a lot more with it. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] Tell us something about yourself that not many people know. 

[NATALIE JANE:] I LOVE pandas. I remember getting my first stuffed animal panda bear when I was 4 years old so vividly and I have been in love with the animal ever since. I love how they just roll around and hang out all day living their best life. I bring my panda, “Pandy” with me to a bunch of sessions and interviews because it kind of calms me down. I think of him as an emotional support panda.

Make sure to follow Natalie Jane on Instagram and stream her newest single “seeing you with other girls" out on Spotify now!

Rebecca Bloch