Looking Towards “Tomorrow” with Joseph Lawrence


[UNPUBLISHED:] Do you have any favorite lyrics from “Tomorrow”?

[JOSEPH LAWRENCE:] I think the entirety of the second verse feels very special to me. It really puts me in a certain place in time, touching on some of my most vulnerable moments.

[UNPUBLISHED:] “Tomorrow” is sonically a bit different from last year’s debut solo single “Hourglass.” How did your songwriting process differ between the two tracks?

[JOSEPH LAWRENCE:] Yes. “Hourglass” was just a tiny taster I put out really just to have something out whilst I was writing the record and figuring out other things surrounding Joseph Lawrence as a whole. “Tomorrow” is a more in line representation of me, the writing process differed quite a bit as “Tomorrow” was made with a whole record in mind, sonically & lyrically this changes things.

[UNPUBLISHED:] You have previously had success within a variety of projects and bands such as Joseph Lawrence & The Garden. What made you want to shift into being a solo artist?

[JOSEPH LAWRENCE:] Yes, Joseph Lawrence & The Garden will always hold a special place in my heart, it allowed me to experiment and really take time in harnessing/finessing my craft. Ultimately, I always knew the day would come where my own voice as a singular entity would need to be heard, so when I was ready internally I made that decision. I needed to be in control and completely responsible for my future and how I wanted my vision to pan out.

[UNPUBLISHED:] So I know that when you moved to London you began to perform at the iconic Ronnie Scott’s jazz club. Do you think that being in London’s jazz scene has influenced the way you create your music?

[JOSEPH LAWRENCE:] Such a beautiful and prestigious venue. Of course, this helps, it comes with an expectancy of quality and respect for music. I always put the most pressure on myself in these kinds of environments as I know who would’ve been on that very stage before me. Usually, with a more Jazz-oriented audience, you’ll know that their ear is probably more trained and inclined to listen to details, so I knew I had to know what I was doing and be in control always. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] You recently had a show at St. Pancreas Old Church in London. What was this performance like for you?

[JOSEPH LAWRENCE:] It was beautiful, everything I expected and more. A church really is the perfect chamber for the voice. Having very close people there for my first headline show as a Solo act was very special for me. I felt ready and it almost felt like some kind of spiritual arrival for me

[UNPUBLISHED:] With two powerful singles out, what comes next for you as an artist?

[JOSEPH LAWRENCE:] I’ll be releasing 5 singles with 5 live session videos. I’ll then drop my debut album. Everything is exactly how I wanted it to be and I’ve been blessed with a team who trust and believe in my vision.

[UNPUBLISHED:] Looking back on the career you’ve built thus far, is there any advice you wish you had been given when you were first starting out?

[JOSEPH LAWRENCE:] Love what you do, have fun always. Be your harshest critic. Don’t rush.

Make sure to stream “Tomorrow” on spotify and watch the beautiful live session recording on youtube. You can find Joseph Lawrence on instagram and twitter.

Carson Huffer