“SOUR” by Olivia Rodrigo: An Album Review


When I first heard Olivia Rodrigo’s name floating around the internet, I had a hard time taking her seriously because I kept thinking “isn't that the girl from Bizaardvark?” She IS the girl from Bizaardvark, but now she is also the multi-talented, stunning, embodiment of Gen-Z. Olivia Rodrigo captures adolescents in her debut album “SOUR”. I never paid much attention to Olivia in Bizaardvark, or High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, or even when “drivers license'' came out. I thought nothing more of her singing career than it being another Disney star coming out with a song as many Disney stars do. However, on the night of May 21st, the air was crisp, the internet was buzzing, and my point of view got flipped on its head. “SOUR” changed the game; each and every song left me feeling a new emotion. This album blew my mind. In my humble opinion, Olivia is the new Taylor Swift; she has the perfect voice, the attention to detail, and the overwhelming presence to not mess with her. I can officially say that I stan Olivia Rodrigo. 


What a perfect way to start the album. The guitar line in this song makes me want to mosh for hours. You cannot listen to this song and sit still. “brutal” sets the tone of the album showing that Olivia is not afraid to get a little raunchy with her music. I expected the album to be more on the pop side, and it definitely has very pop tracks, but this song is a headbanger. Olivia encapsulates all of her pent-up anger about life into this song and, as a listener, you can feel her rage in your blood. This song will be the reason I’ll see her on tour; it is flawless.

Rating: 10/10: would listen on repeat


The harmonies opening this song left my jaw on the floor. This song is so raw, I feel as though I am reading a page of Olivia’s diary. I noticed this throughout the album, but especially between track one and track two, her versatility is unmatched. When listening to “brutal,” I could not help but to get up and dance, but when listening to “traitor” I just wanted to give someone a hug and cozy up in a blanket. This contrast on paper might seem like it would make an inconsistent album, but it does quite the opposite. It made me feel like I was next to Olivia and in her brain expiring her rollercoaster of emotions. This song is stunning, just complex enough, and I cannot wait to go through a break-up so I can cry to this song.

Rating: 10/10: Olivia’s vocal range in this song is astounding 

“drivers license”

We all know and love this song; this is the track that made us all become fans of Olivia in the first place. I vaguely remember watching a video of Olivia playing this song on the piano many months ago. I thought “wow, she is so talented”, but then it never crossed my mind until she released “drivers license” many months later. As you likely experienced, this song literally has a crack in it, it’s impossible to stop listening to it. I have never been in a relationship before, but I did drive around listening to this song and crying. That is the power that this magnificent song holds. 

Rating: 9/10: beautiful song, slightly overplayed now

“1 step forward, 2 steps back”

This one hit me in the heart; it is so understated but impactful and I love it. This is the type of song that I would pay thousands of dollars to hear the boy’s perspective of. Teenage boys suck, it is just a fact. This song captures the trials of young relationships. Adolescence is about continual change and, oftentimes, navigating that change in a relationship leads to hurting your partner. I feel Olivia’s pain listening to this song.

Rating 10/10: perfect simple, sad song

“deja vu”

This track is so sassy and backhanded and I am living for it. She is screaming ‘I am amazing and I know it’ – I love it so much. This song is perfect for a drive-down PCH with your head out the window. It is definitely very different from the previous songs as it is much more pop and the others were more acoustic or alternative. I love the drums that carry the song perfectly. However, I think this is my least favorite song from the album, I do still like it a lot but it feels like more of a radio single than the rest of the songs. Nonetheless, this song will be added to my revenge playlist. 

Rating: 8/10: an amazing radio song

“good 4 u”

THE BRIDGE OF THIS SONG WOW!! Olivia really took all of her negative feelings and pumped them into this masterpiece of a song. This track is so different and reminds me of Paramore. You cannot help jumping and screaming when this song comes on; it is perfect. Every time the beat drops, it hits. This will be my song of the summer. The electric guitar throughout this track allowed me to live my pop-punk dreams out. I would hold this up to some of the classics like “Mr. Brightside” and “Hey Ya;” it is impeccable and will go down as a moment in history. 

Rating: 25/10: accidentally listened to it 10 times in a row and danced every time

“enough for you”

This song emulates young Taylor Swift and I love the big sister role that she is playing in Olivia’s career. The first time I heard this song I was driving home and hysterically crying; do remember I have never been in a relationship and therefore, have never had a breakup, but this song pulled the tears out of me. A common trope of life is feeling that you are not enough in school, work, with family or friends, in a romantic relationship, and pretty much everything else. The lyrics capture and explain exactly how it feels to be unworthy or not enough. The simple guitar that plays throughout the whole song accompanies Olivia’s voice so angelically and completes the song.

Rating: 10/10: brings tears to my eyes every time I listen


“I hope you're happy, but don't be happier;” what a fantastic lyric. This whole album is so real and I feel as though she did not stray away from any emotion that she was feeling. It takes a lot of confidence and self-respect to admit your faults and “imperfect” thoughts which is exactly what Olivia is doing. As she did in every song, this track turns her jealous thoughts into beautiful and seamless lyrics. I love the truth you can hear in Olivia’s gentle voice throughout.

Rating: 10/10: so extremely honest and stunning

“jealousy, jealousy”

The harmonies are off the charts and push this song over the top. This is a teenage anthem; it exquisitely articulates the internal struggle of being content with your life in the age of the alternate reality that is social media. I also am obsessed with how funky this song is. It has a super different style and a level of complexity that many of the others don’t have. As always, her vocals are stunning. 

Rating: 10/10: this song will definitely be added to a playlist immediately

“favorite crime”

Another heart-wrenching piece completed flawlessly. At 1:55, it tore my heart out of my body and stomped on it. My jaw is on the floor after listening to this song; I cannot express the magnitude of admiration I have for Olivia and her team because this album is spectacular. The title and play on words are very reminiscent of Taylor once again and the songwriting is genius. This song seamlessly combines the simplicity of “happier” and “enough for you” and the production of “jealousy, jealousy” into the monster of emotions and complexity that is “favorite crime.”

Rating: 10/10: this is another perfect song

“hope ur ok”

I cannot express how fantastic of an ending this is to the album. Once again, tears came streaming down my face when I listened to this song. The simplicity of all of the metaphors and lyrics tore me apart. I feel that often people take for granted how much saying something like, ‘I am proud of you’, can affect someone. The stories shared in the lyrics were portrayed so eloquently and beautifully. When you listen to this album, you commit to feeling Olivia’s journey of emotions. This song seals the package in the most effortless way and leaves the listener feeling at peace.

Rating: 10/10: the storytelling was unreal


As you can see from my numerous 10/10 ratings, I loved this album with my whole soul. I felt transported and connected with the lyrics to every track without ever actually having to go through most of the emotions that Olivia felt. I believe that this album will be a moment in history. Olivia is only eighteen and this is her debut album; think of how much room she has to evolve, grow, and create. In my eyes, this album was extraordinarily perfect; I cannot even fathom what other incredible works Olivia will release in her lifetime. She took all of the emotions that people normally run from and transformed them into a flawless body of work that we have the opportunity to hear. To put it simply, my mind is blown by this album. So, do yourself a favor and set aside 34 minutes and 46 seconds to listen to this album from top to bottom; I promise you will not regret it. 

Maya Katzbatch 6