Zoe Ko on the Fiery Angst of Her New Single “Til U”


[UNPUBLISHED:] Can you introduce yourself and tell us what got you started in music?

[ZOE KO:] Hi I’m Zoe! I’m a singer-songwriter from NYC. I’ve been making music for as long as I can remember - the first full song I ever wrote was when I was 12, I wrote it about my grandpa who had just passed. Writing was the only way I could process what was happening at the time and I couldn't stop writing ever since. Music got me through pretty much every moment in my life, good or bad.

[UNPUBLISHED:] As a singer-songwriter, what is your process for writing a new song?

[ZOE:] It’s always changing and has shifted a lot over the years, but right now my favorite way to write is where everything is super stripped back. I like writing the melody and lyrics completely acapella and then finding the right chords to fit it later. I try to think of a concept, feeling, or final line to the chorus to kind of build a whole storyline around. After a significant part of the song is written, or a blueprint for what the song is going to be is made, I'll bring it into the studio to finish and record.

[UNPUBLISHED:] I know that you’re currently a student pursuing your BFA at Tisch, how do you juggle school and establishing yourself as an artist?

[ZOE:] It’s kinda tough but also kinda fun - I like a lot of commotion in my life. I like staying busy and a bit in over my head. It may not be the healthiest thing, but it’s what I like. I think it’s a good balance, though sometimes I wish I could forget about homework and just focus on my music but whatever - life isn’t perfect all the time.

[UNPUBLISHED:] I want to give you a massive congratulations on “Til U!” How are you feeling now that it’s out?

[ZOE:] Ahhh! Thank you so much! I honestly don't even know. It’s like a mixture of being terrified and extremely excited. I just hope people love it as much as I do. Having my music out in the world feels like wearing my heart on my sleeve.

[UNPUBLISHED:] The lyrics of “Til U” are fiery and full of angst as you grapple with heartbreak. What was it like creating such an explosion of emotions in your lyrics?

[ZOE:]  It was like pulling out all the juiciest and most vulnerable things I've ever written in my journal. It was really important to me to capture that feeling of unhinged angst and heartache so I just tried to think of anything and everything I've ever felt and put all of them in one song.

[UNPUBLISHED:] Do you have any favorite lyrics?

[ZOE:] I love “Got me unhinged again/ so I fill the emptiness with/ boys who look like you/ clothes and new tattoos/ tears in empty rooms.”

[UNPUBLISHED:] “Til U” begins with an iPhone recording of you opening a door. Can you tell us more about why that became the beginning of “Til U?”

[ZOE:] I love using voice memos in my songs to establish the environment - it's a stark contrast to the production in the rest of the track, but I think it makes my songs more personal and honestly more approachable right off the bat. Playing off of the first lyric is my favorite way to incorporate an audio clip, so adding the recording of the door opening only seemed natural!

[UNPUBLISHED:] With “Til U” now out in the world, what can fans expect coming next?

[ZOE:] I have so much more music that I can’t wait to share! “Til U” along with the next single are both leading to my first EP and I just can’t wait for it to be out. I’m so thrilled to be playing more live shows now that things are opening back up again too!

[UNPUBLISHED:] When you’re not making music, what else do you like to do in your free time?

[ZOE:] I love hanging out with my friends, they are like my family. I also work at a dog rescue, Muddy Paws Rescue, and I love to play with the rescue dogs and help get them into good homes. I spend way too much time and money on thrifting, it’s like a skill and an addiction. I’m obsessed with thrifting and upcycling clothes and furniture.

[UNPUBLISHED:] As you’ve grown and changed throughout your music career thus far, is there any advice you wish you had been given when you were first starting?

[ZOE:] Honestly, I feel I’ve been given such amazing advice and guidance throughout my whole music career. Instead, I'll say my favorite piece of advice I was given: commit to your dream instead of being interested in it. The day I chose to commit 100% was a complete game changer for me.

[UNPUBLISHED:] Is there anything else you want the reader to know? 

[ZOE:] Even as a New Yorker, I’m absolutely terrified of pigeons. I will run away screaming if a pigeon starts flying near me. A couple of other random facts - I also love pizza and stickers so much.

You don’t want to miss the incredible power of Zoe Ko, so make sure to stream “Til U” on Spotify and follow Zoe on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to keep up with what comes next for this powerhouse!

Carson Huffer