Drew Schoenhofer



Meet Drew Schoenhofer, a 16 year old based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Drew is an extremely passionate photographer with aspirations of succeeding in the editorial world. So far, she has been published in magazines such as Casual Zine and Potted Purple. In addition, Drew was given the opportunity to intern at Track Magazine and work with esteemed photographer, Andrew Hancock. Tennis, musical theatre, and film are other passion she has. Drew attends school at a tennis academy in Oklahoma, and desires to play Division 1, collegiate tennis. She intends on majoring in film and production and minoring in photography. In the future, her dream is to create horror movies. At a young age, Drew’s father introduced horror movies. She found beauty throughout the cinematography, gory special effects, and the overall theme of fear. The House That Jack Built, Sinister, Split, and Crimson Peak configures Drew’s list of favorite horror movies. In her free time, Drew enjoys participating in musicals and feels passionately about singing and acting. Drew’s instagram is @drewschoenhofer if you want to check out her photography and more!

She/Her • InstagramPortfolio • Taurus

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