My Love of Liminal Spaces 


What do vacant parking lots, empty beaches, and abandoned shopping centers have in common? These places are considered liminal spaces. The word liminal originates from the Latin word ‘limen,’ meaning threshold. Depending on the context, liminality can refer to architecture, psychology, or anthropology. Liminal spaces are often described as locations in which reality feels altered; they possess unique yet occasionally unsettling qualities. 

In recent years, the liminal space aesthetic has gained more momentum, developing as a way for people to identify the places with an otherworldly and dreamlike atmosphere. Social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok have curated visual definitions for capturing the mysterious magic behind liminality in traditionally mundane locations. A simple change in weather and time can transform any ambiance, elevating the overlooked day-to-day spots that are taken for granted. Liminal spaces exist in the ambiguity between dreams and reality: living within a calm eeriness. 

However, for a while, I never knew there was a term to describe such places. I mean how did I expect to put into words these indescribable bits of the universe? I experienced the beauty of a liminal space before I even knew what one was. It felt like stepping through a door to another dimension, like unlocking a new yet vaguely nostalgic level. Without the phrase “liminal space” in my vocabulary yet, I would just stare back in awe and say, “This seems like something out of a movie.” 

In fact, a majority of our ideal “movie moments” rely on the power of liminal spaces. These picturesque intermissions in the action are featured in everything from Her (2013) to Parasite (2019). Stumbling upon liminal spaces outside the big screen reveals just how common they really are—especially when you take the time to examine the intricacies in the world around you. If you truly look hard enough, you will discover that searching for these spaces is much easier than you thought. I assumed these “movie moments” were reserved for only fiction. Yet, as the sun set and the clouds opened up, the places that I have been to a thousand times suddenly changed, enabling their liminal qualities to emerge. 

I first dappled with liminal spaces after a late-night supermarket trip. As the pale moonlight cascaded over the parking lot littered with nothing but shopping carts, the stale glow of the Shoprite sign flickered and buzzed along to the sound of summer crickets. Not a soul was left in sight, leaving the cool night air to focus its attention on me sitting in my car in the middle of the concrete desert. I found a home in the stillness of the night. 

From there, I became more aware of not only the places but also the conditions in which liminality could reach its fullest potential. Since then, I have been on the hunt for living in liminal spaces, immersing myself in situations that encapsulate the visceral experience. The mundane locations like a parking lot, beach, or shopping center dramatically shift with added elements such as nighttime or rain; thus, creating an “after hours” type of effect. Inverting your expectations for reality challenges your worldview. In doing so, liminal spaces become more than just these bizarre spots seemingly teetering between dimensions, but rather imaginative havens meant to expand your idea of existence. 

My most recent experience with a liminal space occurred at the beach. Without the blazing sun, chaotic crowds, and pesky seagulls, I could reframe the way I have always seen the ocean and sand. In front of me, the darkness rippled with glints of faraway stars shimmering upon the crests of each wave that crashed upon the silent shoreline. I admired how the sea and sky mixed together into a murky indigo ink. The breeze brought the water in while I felt my mind drift out. 

I often seek out liminal spaces to stimulate creativity and take a pause from reality. Spending time in these places provides the right balance of creepiness and comfort to make me see the everyday locations from an unconventional perspective. Liminal spaces go beyond the aesthetic; they alter and transcend the common expectations for daily life. Living within these in-between moments opens up opportunities to progress in our life’s journey while avoiding stagnancy. Regardless of how many times you visit a spot, liminal spaces invite you to reframe, rethink, and redefine your interpretation of it. 

Dare to think outside routine, outside normalcy, outside reality. 

Abigail Alvarezbatch 7