Posts tagged batch 7
What It Means to Be an Old Soul

I’ve heard the phrase “old soul” my entire life and never had a concrete understanding of its meaning. Only recently did I really learn what it means to be an old soul and why it’s so special. Old souls and modern folk alike, come on my journey with me to understand one of my most central qualities.

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Maya Mehrarabatch 7
My Love of Liminal Spaces 

What do vacant parking lots, empty beaches, and abandoned shopping centers have in common? These places are considered liminal spaces. The word liminal originates from the Latin word ‘limen,’ meaning threshold. In recent years, the liminal space aesthetic has gained more momentum, developing as a way for people to identify the places with an otherworldly and dreamlike atmosphere. Yet, liminal spaces go beyond the aesthetic; they alter and transcend the common expectations for daily life.

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Abigail Alvarezbatch 7
Asian Passing, White Walking

The article discusses being and looking Asian, but what happens when you don't have the culture to back it up. Shares feelings of invalidation pertaining to one’s culture and outward appearance. What do you do when you racially can check off the "Asian" box on a survey, but not the cultural box?

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Jordana Levinebatch 7
Satisfying Your Wanderlust in the Day-to-Day

We’re all itching to travel, but money and time and crowds are all too real as people get booking-flight-crazy. Not to mention, travelling has been overly glamorized, leading us to sort of resent our homes. Here are several tips to accomplish your travel itches within a smaller mile of radius, and why you should view wanderlust as being satisfied in more ways than one.

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Olivia Farrarbatch 7
Ain’t No Place Like Home

There really is nothing like going to high school and growing up in a small town. It's so very John-Green-novel-esque and even though we all claim we despise the American suburbs and want nothing more than to get out, there's a nostalgic element to it all. The small-town troupe is present all across the media, and for good reason. There's a certain beauty in it all, and a reflective sort of appreciation I'm feeling as I get ready to leave my small town for college.

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Rachel Kloepferbatch 7
I Wrote Myself a Love Letter (And Why You Should Too)

The negativity bias explains the psychological phenomena behind why we as humans tend to focus on the negative aspects of our lives instead of the positives. However, we can train our brains to rebel against this mindset, and one way to do this is through writing a love letter to ourselves. This article focuses on what the love letter to self is, how it helps rewire your brain and provides examples and advice for creating your own love letter in order to inspire positivity in your everyday thoughts and actions.

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Kathleen Andersonbatch 7
The People I Lost When I Finally Embraced My Mixed-Race Heritage

This article explores my experiences when I finally decided to embrace and speak on my mixed-race heritage. When BIPOC speak on their experiences, people can feel threatened and will say they’re “argumentative,” but it is more important to stand up for who you are. This is a glimpse into my journey to moving beyond caring what others think and standing up for who I am.

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Dakota Nelsonbatch 7
Why Being an Overachiever Is Setting You up to Fail

The pressure that has always seemed to follow me is something that I think about a lot, and identifying that it does not make me less worthy than other people to not want to be working all the time was difficult to do. However, I hope my self-analysis can help other people who read this essay to not feel like they aren’t good enough for the institutions that surround them and get other people to start questioning why it is so widely accepted that constantly producing more is how people should be functioning in day-to-day life when it is not a sustainable way to live.

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Shae Oliviabatch 7
Collegiate Blues

As summer fades to distant, sun-kissed memories, incoming freshmen find themselves staring into the face of the next steps of their future: college. Whether you are most afraid of leaving home behind or perhaps communal bathrooms, know you are not alone in your fears. In this piece, I explore the apprehension young people may be feeling about entering college and talk about how to find the good amidst the great anxiety.

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Izzy Sterbatch 7
Karaoke: The Key to Catharsis

While I don’t consider myself the best singer or dancer, I use karaoke as an outlet to release all the tension and built-up energy. I mean what’s more cathartic than shouting along to some of your old favorite songs after suffering from stress? Whether I’m singing with friends at my local karaoke place or singing alone in my bedroom, restoring a sense of calmness through these karaoke sessions rejuvenates my spirits at times when life's burdens become too much to bear.

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One Direction to My Heart

Five boys did four world tours, won three Billboard music awards, and hailed from two different countries. But it all started with one dream — to be the best musicians they could be. Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, and Louis Tomlinson of the pop boy band One Direction changed the world during their five years together. Then ten years from their start, they changed my life.

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Sanai Rashidbatch 7
Dear Women With OnlyFans

An apology letter written to women who have OnlyFans and sent by a woman whose partner subscribes to them. This essay navigates the popular mantra “Girls Support Girls” and is an honest look at unpacking feelings of anger towards other women. When women’s equality feels like an impossible future, sometimes all we can offer is our best.

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Lauren Vogelbatch 7