A Night at Semler Winter Formal


Photo by Shaeley Hicks


Prom and winter formal are events that have become romanticized and symbolized as “rights of passage” in growing up. People don on their suits and dresses, anticipating a dance with a date and, perhaps, an exchange of corsages and boutonnieres. However, not everyone gets to experience these kinds of formal dances in their youth for a multitude of reasons. Some schools do not host these events or some people might have been too anxious or generally uninterested to attend them in their teens. Or, people may have had a bad experience at a formal dance. Revitalizing the concept of prom and winter formal through a queer vision, Grace Baldridge, known by their artist moniker “Semler,” hosted the “Semler Winter Formal” at The Echo in Los Angeles on December 17th. 

The Echo is an entirely intimate venue. It felt like an actual prom with this aspect. Actually, it is safe to say that this event was better than any dance I have attended. Supported by Miki Ratsula and Psychic Radio (Jade James), different pictures of Semler, Miki, and Jade were hung up around the room with “Prom King” and “Prom Queen” written on them. In one corner of the venue, a photo area was set up with different props and signs. People were already putting it to use before the show, posing in their suits and dresses, striking the common “prom pose.” Mixing in the holidays, a tinsel tree sat upon the stage and glow sticks and Santa hats were seen floating about the room. The setup was entirely charming and thoughtful, it felt like the landscape for some TV show finale.  

I arrived when Miki Ratsula was about to come on around 8:30. This was my second time seeing Miki, my first time being last May at the El Rey. They had put on a beautiful set the first time so I was excited to see them perform again. They opened up with their songs “Missing June” and “suffocate,” undoubtedly two of my favorites. These are such bittersweet songs that truly represent their approach to music – one that is defined by emotional vulnerability and soft spoken bliss. Wearing a simple brown suit and Converse, Miki casually owned the stage, holding all of our attention in their serenade. The weightless, dreamy feeling I felt during their performance was familiar. Their music in a live form always has this comforting air that taps into your emotions at their truest form. Hearing them perform “i walked a mile in my room” again was something special. Full of honesty, they speak about balancing the struggle of finding self love while also trying to be your best self within a relationship. This is one of the reasons I love Miki’s lyricism, it is detailed and heartbreakingly authentic. 

Maintaining the holiday theme, Miki included performances of classic songs “Last Christmas” and “Mistletoe” on their setlist. It was fun to be a part of the crowd dancing around, singing out the lyrics. Miki was on stage dancing and laughing as well. The space felt entirely welcoming and home-like with the atmosphere set by Miki. They wrapped up their set with their song “i didn’t know any better.” They had announced within their set that this was the first prom they had ever attended, adding a memorable touch to the night. 

Thereafter, Semler came on stage next in a stunning red velvet suit and Ray-Ban shades, bursting out in a performance of “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.” Grooving under green lights, they looked extremely cool, channeling the fun energy of the holidays like a scene from a Home Alone movie. It felt like watching a holiday special, in which it entirely was that. 

They performed a handful of their original songs with the first being “You’re Not My Friend” from their latest EP, Stages Of A Breakdown. Released this past April, the song explores friendships within the queer and religious realms of life. After learning that Semler was the first to hit #1 on the charts for Christian music as an openly LGBTQ+ artist, I was excited to hear more about their music and furtherly, see them live. Semler hones in on topics that have been discussed in our conversational world, but not in the musical world. The relationship between religion and queerness can sometimes be difficult to navigate but Semler proposes an outlet for “queer people of faith” in their music. 

Late Bloomer,” the title song from their 2021 EP, definitely became one of my favorite songs performed that night. Semler has this way of bringing their performance to a one-on-one level with everyone in the room. Their opening lyrics “I always wanted to be more / Than just another compliant Christian daughter / You can see it in my prom photos honey” felt in tune with the theme of the show. “Late Bloomer” and “Don’t Tell Anyone” demonstrated their impactful style and soothing sound coupled with Indie Folk instrumentals. Semler knows how to combine vulnerability with reassurance in their music, you can tell they sing from the heart. 

At a certain point during their set, they covered “Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)” and asked everyone to grab a loved one for a slow dance interlude. I really enjoyed how interactive the show was, staying true to a prom-like organization. People swayed in the arms of one another to the sweet song under the streamers and fluorescents. Towards the end of their set, they also performed “Christmas Comes Too Early,” their most recent release. One of the highlights of their set was from their performance of “Thank God For That.” Semler had the whole room screaming out the standout line from the song “I’m fucking gay / Thank God for that.” Jumping around on stage, this song was brought to life in its live form compared to its acoustic studio version. This moment definitely summed up Semler’s influence on their audience, inspiring a safe, electrifying space for their listeners. 

For a finale to the “Semler Winter Formal,” Miki and Jade joined them on stage and they covered “All I Want For Christmas is You.” Semler put a necklace of lights on themselves and Miki had added on a Santa Hat. Miki and Semler danced around the stage as Jade began their DJ set with the song. It was the perfect, goofy end to their set, capping off a night of holiday joy and queer music. 

Psychic Radio led the rest of the night as people stayed in the Echo dancing to her DJ set, which featured hit after hit, keeping everyone moving. People dispersed out on the streets, to the bar, and to the patio. My friends and I danced and socialized until embarking on the drive back home to San Diego. I was so grateful to attend the 2022 “Semler Winter Formal” and I would definitely go again in 2023 if it takes place again. Semler put on a stellar “prom” and as people may say, “it was one for the books!”

Shaeley Hicks