Sizzy Rocket Celebrates Queer Joy in “Mommy” and Rockshow in the Basement Tour


DIY pop phenomenon Sizzy Rocket has long been known for her DIY approach to creating her visual universe as an independent artist who relies on the strength of her originality, creativity and authenticity to build the Sizzy Rocket world without a major label budget. Owning her sexuality as an important part of her identity, Rocket released the explosive new single “MOMMY” during Pride month. The hard-hitting, club-inspired track births a new era for Rocket who is fearlessly taking charge of her life.

Sizzy Rocket challenges what it means to be a pop artist with her DIY approach, poetic and unapologetic lyricism, and a genre-blending musicality that takes influence from punk, hip-hop and beyond. The LA-based artist became the sneering face of 21st century rock ‘n’ roll thanks to her viral 2016 electro-pop-punk seducer, “Bestie,” an unapologetically profane paean to turning your BFF into one with benefits.

In the midst of the SIZZY ROCKET'S ROCKSHOW IN THE BASEMENT Tour, “MOMMY” was teased on Mother’s Day, making friends and family alike freak out. The synth-driven single arrives today serving the perfect mix of bold beats and empowering lyricism to take over the club all month long. 


“‘MOMMY’ is the beginning of a completely new era for me, in my art and in my life. I’m finally, completely in control of my music, my decisions, my business, my creativity…like, I know what the fuck I’m doing.” says Rocket. “I know how to harness my own chaos. I know how to take care of myself. and I know what I want - and I’m not afraid to take it.”

[UNPUBLISHED]: Welcome back and thank you for talking to Unpublished Magazine again. It's super exciting to have you back since the last time we talked about your album Live Laugh Love. How has life been treating you since the release?

[SIZZY]: Life has been amazing this year. I feel like that album was really hard for me to get through, it really felt like picking up the pieces of the pandemic and it took me two years to make it. I feel like this year just feels so fresh. I have all these singles that I'm excited about. I just got back from tour, which was amazing and I feel like a brand new artist again. Life is good.

[UNPUBLISHED]: What’s been the most rewarding or memorable experience since putting Live Laugh Love out into the world?

[SIZZY]: Playing Pride this year was really memorable. I did this whole stunt with a bra that squirted milk out of the tit, so it was really fun. That was definitely a highlight, just playing guitar on stage and shredding was so fun. Probably the best reward that I could get out of this album.

[UNPUBLISHED]: To touch on your latest single release “MOMMY,” it marks a new era of music for you. What is the inspiration behind the single?

[SIZZY]: I am calling this my feral club rat era. I wanted to make bangers. I feel like during the pandemic and while I was making Live Laugh Love I was so depressed. Dance music really got me out of that place. I was listening to a lot of Lady Gaga and dancing my ass off alone in my apartment. I wanted to make something that people could dance to and absolutely lose themselves. “MOMMY” is the rowdiest thing I have ever made.

[UNPUBLISHED]: What did the creative process for “MOMMY” look like?

[SIZZY]: I was telling the producers that I wanted to make a club-inspired dance track and it took a second to come together, but we started a whole other song that day as well. One of the producers pulled up this track that he made as a warm up and it was the “MOMMY” track. I absolutely loved it. It took probably 20 minutes to write and record. I love when that happens in the studio. Everything clicks and it works itself out. It’s like magic.

[UNPUBLISHED]: I saw your pride performance at Officially Loud that features the iconic “MOMMY” bra and I’m obsessed with the look. I would love to hear anything you would like to say about that.

[SIZZY]: I designed the bra. I didn't engineer the bra. I knew for Pride that I wanted to do something classic and iconic and I thought about Gaga and the pyrotechnic bra that she had. I thought about Katy Perry's whipped cream bra that she had for “California Girls” and Madonna’s cone bra. It's such a way to make a statement through the bra. I was thinking about “MOMMY” and Pride and I wanted to design a bra that shoots milk out of it. That was so crazy. My godfather, we call him Uncle Matthew, he’s a special effects makeup and prosthetics person, so I called him and over the next six weeks we talked about the design and execution. It’s actually water with white food coloring. I was not about to spray people in the summer heat with real milk. He designed this mechanism with tubes in the back and giant plastic syringes that hold the liquid so my dancers could attach the tubing and squirt the liquid out on cue. It was the coolest process ever designing and making this happen.

[UNPUBLISHED]: You recently finished up your Rockshow in the Basement spring tour. How was that experience and how has the response been from fans?

[SIZZY]: I mean, it was one of my best tours. The energy was so lit and I love my fans so much. They're so uninhibited at my shows in such a joyful, beautiful way. Everyone's just screaming, crying and dancing and it's so pure. Going on tour for me is the reward for working my ass off in the studio all year. Seeing everybody's faces on stage is one of my favorite things and seeing their reactions. Seeing people's faces and hearing people in the videos scream, it's just the best so the tour was amazing. It took a lot out of me. I'm still recovering. I went all out and pushed my body to the limit but I have no regrets. It's my favorite thing in the world.

[UNPUBLISHED]: What is your favorite song to perform live and why?

[SIZZY]: My favorite song to perform is “Wild Woman.” It's like an unexpected sing along moment in the show where it's just me and my guitar which has become such a part of my life. I've only been seriously playing for like six months now. I love this vulnerable moment in “Wild Woman.” It's like a hidden gem. Everybody on this tour was screaming that chorus with me and that quickly became my favorite song to play.

[UNPUBLISHED]: What has been the most memorable moment that you would love to relive from that tour?

[SIZZY]: There's a moment actually that we captured and it went viral on TikTok. I’m tuning my guitar and I prompted the crowd asking if anyone wanted to say something. I took a step back and then someone in the audience goes, ‘I used to be really gay for you, but now I’m a man so I’m straight for you.’ My face and the way I reacted was so pure. It was such a moment of queer, especially trans joy, which I think is so important to capture and spread around. I would relive that moment over and over. I think that was like next level clever. That statement of queerness during Pride month was the best.

[UNPUBLISHED]: With “MOMMY” ushering in a new era for you, you previously said this era is where you finally take control of your life. What can fans expect from you in this new era?

[SIZZY]: She's feeling cunty so they can expect a lot of continuous guitar. Me and this guitar are pretty bonded now so there’s going to be a lot coming from her. Her name is True Blue. A lot of bangers on the way. I hope you’re ready to dance and be feral.

[UNPUBLISHED]: How are you feeling in this current era of your career and what does the rest of the year look like for you that you would love to share with Unpublished?

[SIZZY]: I feel great. I feel very empowered in a way that I never have before like I do. I finally own all of my music on every side. I'm finally in a place to be making decisions that I'm proud of. There's gonna be a lot more songs. The next single is coming very soon. The rest of the year is gonna be lit.

For upcoming music releases and updates, you can follow Sizzy Rocket on Instagram. Stream “MOMMY” out on all digital platforms. Watch the “MOMMY” Pride performance here. 

Kimberly Kapela