Staying Current With Ship Wrek: Playing in Vegas, New Music, and Inspiration From Scuba Diving


Photo by Ana Mclaughlin

[UNPUBLISHED:] You played at the Fremont stage, how does it feel to be playing Life Is Beautiful?

[TRIPP:] This is our first time and we honestly love Vegas. We played here like Hakkasan a couple of times and the crowds have always been fun. And we saw a lot of fans out at this show tonight. So yeah, it was an amazing time.

[UNPUBLISHED:] So, how did you guys meet and what caused you guys to pursue house music? 

[COLLIN:] We met on SoundCloud like a decade ago, or like eight years ago or something. And house music wasn't like our thing at first. And then once we started really working together on music, we both started going to these kind of warehouse raves in LA and realized. It was like a mix of house and techno and we just fell in love with house music specifically and started making it like five years ago.

[TRIPP:] And it kind of opened up new doors for us, you know. And it kind of takes a lot to like, make that your own sound and really bring something new to the scene. So yeah, we're having fun. It's awesome, man.

[COLLIN:] It feels like such a timeless genre too you know. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] You guys released “Over & Over” about a week ago and stated that it was inspired by some “classic dance tunes.” What feelings or emotions are you hoping to evoke from this single? 

[COLLIN:] I want it to feel nostalgic. I think that's what we were going for. Like having our own record that feels like something that's like you've heard before, sort of, but you haven't. You know, like something that feels really modern and feels really sonically new, but feels like something that you can't get out of your head.

[UNPUBLISHED:] Your single “The Fall” has an unforgettable sound. What was it like to work with The Chainsmokers? And what was the creative process like to make this song? 

[TRIPP:] So we started the song, I think 2019. They were ending their tour, stadium tour. And we have kind of been like, talking to each other that year, and they were playing out our tunes. And they asked for demos, we sent them an email with a pack of stuff. They liked the song and it was like a very special moment for us to work with them because we've looked up to them for so many years and they're really good guys, they support the underground. I mean, it took three years because they took their little break. So yeah, I'm super proud of that record and turnout.

[UNPUBLISHED:] What inspired the nautical theme that you guys have going on? 

[COLLIN:] We both really love the ocean and I used to scuba dive a lot when I was younger. So I think honestly coming up with the name, it was just like, "what am I inspired by" and obviously music. But, outside of that, back at the time, I just loved scuba diving too and it kind of just stuck. I mean, I don't really scuba dive anymore, I don't think I've been in like five years, but I plan on doing it again. Tripp's gotta get certified still. We're working on it.

[UNPUBLISHED:] So you came together in 2019 officially and have risen to popularity quite fast. How do you feel about all of the attention you’ve received, especially from such big names in the house industry?

[TRIPP:] I mean it's something we've always known was going to happen, we just had to kind of put the work in. Really, like this whole industry is about being a good person and being good to your friends. And these other DJs, obviously they're bigger, but they see the potential in us and they see that we're going to be on their level someday. So it's important for them to kind of tap into what we're doing, you know.

[COLLIN:] It's also funny because like, today is like such a big moment, you know, like playing this festival and something we've always wanted to do about it. Like both of us getting off that stage. It just really feels like it's just you know, just the beginning. We're just being able to start showing the world what we're going to do.

[UNPUBLISHED:] Any dream collaborations?

[TRIPP:] Honestly at this point, probably Skrillex. 

[COLLIN:] Also, I feel like we've really collaborated with a lot of the artists we've wanted to. And right now it's like, we're gonna focus on ourselves. I think people need to realize too we're gonna show to the world how much we have. You know, like do our own albums, our own EPs and like really focus on just doing stuff ourselves. But collaborations are cool, too. I mean, we want to collaborate with Kanye also.

[UNPUBLISHED:] Do you have a favorite single or mix that you guys have released so far, or one that has a special memory attached to it?

[TRIPP:] I’d say right now, “Over & Over” is definitely having a special moment, but also our song “Soul.” I remember Skrillex did a comeback set at EDC in like 2019. And we didn't even know he knew about our music. And he opened his set with our song and it was just a crazy moment for us.

[COLLIN:] It was his remix too.

[TRIPP:] Yeah, he remixed it. It was wild. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] What does the future look like for you guys? 

[TRIPP:] A lot of touring. We’ve got some special tours to announce. Our EP is coming up called Metaphysical and a lot more music to come.

[COLLIN:] Try to change the game here.

Make sure to follow Ship Wrek on Instagram and stream their newest single “Metaphysical” out on Spotify now!

Shaeley Hicks