Woz on Life, Death, and Dogs


[UNPUBLISHED:] Unpublished is so excited to hear new music from you, Woz! Thank you so much for having another chat with us about your release. First and foremost, how are you doing?

[WOZ:] Of course, thanks for having me! I'm doing wonderful, I've been staying occupied, and working a ton! Life is good!

[UNPUBLISHED:] Can you tell me a little bit about your newest single, “How I’m Gonna Go”?

[WOZ:] "How I'm Gonna Go" is my most personal song I think. I wrote it shortly before attempting suicide, and the feelings that drove me to that point are clear as day in the song. It felt good to take those feelings and smother them in guitars with my friends.

[UNPUBLISHED:] This song has an incredibly soft and tender sound but still carries with it a powerful message. What feelings motivated you to create the song’s sound in this way, which is slightly different from your other recent releases?

[WOZ:] The biggest motivation was the feeling of just giving up. By the time I wrote it, I was so crazy, and out of my depth, that I was really starting to crack. I was falling apart constantly, and couldn't keep it together, so this song served as a cry for help for me. Like "Hey guys, I need help, I think I'm losing my mind."

[UNPUBLISHED:] It wasn’t that long ago that you released your previous single, “The Things I Love The Most,” which was an incredibly raw and cathartic exploration of childhood anxiety and familial tension. Was the creative process between this song and “How I’m Gonna Go” similar? Was one more difficult to create?

[WOZ:] I think lyrically they were different. "Things" had positive undertones, and the love I have for my brother ran through it. "How I'm Gonna Go" was truly all darkness and misery. Socially though, they came from the same spot. It was me and my homies Alex and Dallas, and the thought process was just adding as much distortion as humanly possible, it was so fun!


[UNPUBLISHED:] Were there any feelings or experiences that took you by surprise during the creation of “How I’m Gonna Go”?

[WOZ:] Not me, however, there was a funny moment when we were making it that caught Dallas and Alex by surprise. I was doing the vocals for the part where I scream. However, I didn't tell them I was gonna unleash my little metalcore scream. So when I did it, I startled them, and we laughed. I have a video somewhere, it's great. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] There are so many delicate words in your lyrics that reflect a much deeper, heartfelt sadness behind them, like “It’s just like scissors to paper.” What does this lyric mean to you?

[WOZ:] So it's alluding to my problems with self-harm, but part of it is referencing classroom imagery. I had lots of problems in school, and because of my mental health problems, I was left behind by teachers and had no support. And when I was struggling later in life, like with my attempt, I had these pent-up feelings of anger towards the school system, thinking "Why didn't they do anything?" The idea was very like "I was a child once, doing arts and crafts, but look at me now."

[UNPUBLISHED:] I’m constantly humbled and grateful for how openly you convey your trauma for others to sympathize with and relate to. What would you like to say to those who have also felt completely lost and overwhelmed by life?

[WOZ:] There's a Bon Iver lyric I love, where he says "Everything that happens is from now on." I find myself saying that to myself a lot. Life is hard, and you will make mistakes. You will hurt yourself, others, and when things happen, it is what it is. But that’s okay, the sun is gonna come up. When everything crumbles, you pick up where you left off, and ride off into the sunset. Take it all one thing to the next. Before you know it, you'll find yourself further from those feelings than you ever imagined.

[UNPUBLISHED:] What should fans be excited to see from you following this release?

[WOZ:] Hmm, maybe some shows and some new music. Maybe some other even cooler stuff I can't say yet. Maybe something related to dogs and babies. Who knows?

[UNPUBLISHED:] In the future, is there a venue you are most excited to perform in?      

[WOZ:] The moon. I wanna be the first singer to ever perform on the moon. That or the Whiskey a Go Go.

[UNPUBLISHED:] I’m sad that this is already my last question, but please tell me about something you currently can’t live without!

[WOZ:] MY DOG. He sleeps in my bed and keeps me company. I've gotten into true crime podcasts, and when I'm in bed at night, I start worrying that someone IS gonna break in and kill me. But then I remember there is a 90-pound creature of pure muscle with large teeth who loves me and can bite them.

Make sure to follow Woz on Instagram, stream his single “How i’m Gonna Go", and his newest EP, No Medicine For That out on Spotify now!

Pauline Hamilton