Posts tagged batch 4
In Defense of the Vibe Generation

2020 is what happens when our virtual reality becomes more real than reality itself. As a result of the global pandemic we are now living in, social media has become not only a platform for connection but one to express the impact we want to have on the world. Everything from the stories we save down to the colors we use carefully curates our own personalized aesthetic ambiance, or as we like to call it, our vibe.

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Emily Greenbatch 4
Royalty Core: A Dive Into Our Ever Persisting Desires to Run Through a Castle in Our Ball Gowns

As more period pieces begin to gain traction through television and film, I have noticed a particular longing occur whenever we see a dimly lit castle or nineteenth-century Victorian fashion. I do not think our hearts will ever stop longing to leap through extreme wealth in perfectly fitting corset tops and voluptuous skirts. This is a modern age phenomenon that idolizes the European romantic and enlightenment periods, and I’ll show you how we can create our own fairytales.

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Payton Breckbatch 4
New Year’s Folklore

You might’ve heard or been lucky enough to experience a kiss at midnight, or maybe your family made you eat twelve grapes when the ball dropped. Over history and through different cultures, many traditions and ideas have developed around the start of the New Year that signify good or bad luck. The new year for 2021 has already passed, but these might be worth keeping in mind for the years to come.

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Julie Huynhbatch 4
Balancing My Independence with Accepting Help

Independence must mean that I stand on my own at all times, right? I’ve lived most of my life denying the urge to ask for help or take anyone up on their genuine outreaches of support in hopes I could be truly self-reliant. However, I am now convinced the greatest act of self-sufficiency is letting yourself and others open the many doors of life.

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Olivia Farrarbatch 4
Now You're Lost

I have always had a fear of getting lost, which developed into my fear of getting kidnapped. The height of this fright came when I got separated from my family on the Jersey Shore beach in 2019. That experience and the many other times of getting “lost” have proved all too important in our current social climate. It seems like everyone last year had no idea where they are going, or what the future will hold. In this new year, I want to accept this feeling of “lostness” and what it means to go through the dark in order to find yourself.

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Sanai Rashidbatch 4
Read This If You’re Skinny

A recent TikTok trend demonstrates one of the ways in which body positivity has to be reexamined. Thin privilege and low self-confidence can coexist in one body, and it’s especially important to recognize this fact in a world that is so dangerous to those who don’t fit into society’s ideal.

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Eliza Rudalevigebatch 4
The ‘I’m Not Like Other Girls’ Phenomenon From an Ex ‘I’m Not like Other Girls’ Girl

The “I’m not like other girls” phenomenon, which sees those that identify as women denouncing stereotypes of women in favor of their quirky ways, may seem like nothing more than humorous memes, but if you look slightly deeper it reveals a damaging and somewhat misogynistic mindset. As a proud ex “I’m not like other girls” girl, I investigate this phenomenon and identify what it is that makes The Girl want to avoid being associated with The Other Girls at all cost.

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Kaia Nichollbatch 4
Shakespeare in the City

Some people navigate Manhattan by following street signs, the city a grid logically laid out before them. Others follow the landmarks scattered across the city, the ones tourists from far and wide come to see. Trinity Church by Wall Street, the Empire State Building on W 34 Street, Central Park running from W 59 Street to Central Park North. Not me. I navigate my city with bookstores.

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Gabriella Vetranobatch 4
Self-Love in Letters To My Friends

As humans, we want more than anything to feel loved and appreciated, and sometimes people just need a reminder. This past Thanksgiving, I wrote letters to my friends letting them know how much they mean to me. I learned along the way that sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself can be found in what you do for others.

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Julie Huynhbatch 4
Battling Academic Burnout 

As the schoolwork continues to pile up, I feel my motivation begin to crash down. Being a high school senior during these turbulent times makes battling academics difficult, but not impossible. Finding the right tools and tactics can help you to win the war against apathy.

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Abigail Alvarezbatch 4
Work Is Hard, Quitting Is Harder

Finding a job has been tough in this economy and keeping it has been tougher. The New Age work culture either burns its victims out or sends them in a loop of merciless self-criticism. This personal essay is another variation of one’s diasporic background and personal experiences meddling with their ability to find jobs and keep at them while failing to navigate through a sea of priorities.

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Vaishnavi Singhbatch 4
Duality and Femininity

The stereotypes surrounding female expression run deep. With all of the boxes placed on women in society, I beg the question of “why?” Why can’t we be beautiful without our intelligence being questioned? Why can’t we be strong and assertive without facing a crowd in denial of our own femininity?

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Rachel Kloepferbatch 4
Our Ghost Lives: Why We Obsess Over Lives We Could Have Lived

For the most part, I’m happy with the life I’ve had so far-- imperfections, good memories, and everything in between. However, this year had me daydreaming about the various paths I could have taken and left me wondering who I could’ve been if things had gone differently. I dug deeper into this thought process and stumbled upon the term “ghost lives,” and felt that exploring it was necessary to have more faith in the life I lead now.

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Olivia Farrarbatch 4
Strawberry Face: My Acne Journey 

Even after an agonizing journey with acne, I discovered hope in all the redness and ridicule. Yet, it turns out that restoring self-confidence may be just as difficult and maintaining clean skin. Throughout the years, I decided to embrace my imperfections, learning to love my very own “strawberry face.”

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Abigail Alvarezbatch 4