Posts tagged batch 2
Pandemic Dating

Even before the pandemic hit, Gen Z already relied on technology for all forms of socialization, including finding romantic connections. Enter COVID-19, which took this dependence and turned it into a necessity. What will post-pandemic dating culture look like for a swipe-addicted generation that’s been stuck inside with screens for over a year?

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Babi Olokobatch 2
5 Toxic Red Flags to Avoid in 2021

Realizing red flags can sometimes be harder than we think, so here’s a list of a few toxic traits and mannerisms to note as we ring in the new year. Some are subtle and overlooked, while others may be more obvious. 2021 gives us the opportunity to start fresh with a clean slate, and after a tumultuous year like 2020, any negative energy is the last thing we need in our lives!

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Rachel Patelbatch 2
Why You Should “Date Yourself”

Self-care is something that seems to be promoted more and more in popular media, but what exactly does that look like? How should one go about learning to love themselves? This article is an exploration on the concept of “dating yourself,” as well as embracing the practice of being mindful within your solitude.

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Ayanna Millerbatch 2
My Year of Queer

Amelia looks back on 2020 and her journey of self-exploration, discovery, and acceptance towards her sexuality. Through the whirlwind that was last year, Amelia writes about how the time that came with lockdown allowed her to really think about who she was. She also includes some queer media that she enjoyed throughout the year.

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Amelia Grovesbatch 2
Her: The Long Distance Experience

The movie Her is a very complex romance between a man and his phone, which sounds like a joke but it’s a truly beautiful film. I've watched this movie probably a hundred times and I’ve come to the conclusion that this movie perfectly captures the feeling of being in a long-distance relationship.

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Lily Pricebatch 2