Posts tagged batch 3
Right Person, Wrong Time?

Timing seems to be something we can never quite get right in our relationships. Whether it is that we meet the person of our dreams right before they move across the globe, we connect with a stranger that is already taken, or we fall for someone that is not ready for a relationship. We call it “meeting the right person at the wrong time” and get hung up on this bittersweet notion of just not getting what we want due to bad timing, but what if the right person you meet at the wrong time is actually just the wrong person? This article explores how much truth lies behind this romantic dilemma and how we can navigate through it.

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Diana Leitgebbatch 3
Academic Abuse: The Abuse that Goes Unnoticed 

We are all well aware of the short and long-term effects of an abusive relationship. We are taught to identify the signs of mental and physical abuse, understanding that though many people still find themselves in such a situation, they can comprehend that what they are enduring is, in fact, abuse. One form of abuse that goes unnoticed, however, is academic abuse.

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Sasha Waymanbatch 3
Love vs. Obsession: My Struggle With Codependency

For most of my life, I’ve found myself falling into relationships with people who I was undeniably and uncontrollably drawn to. Most of my hours, days, weeks were spent fantasizing about them and our relationship, as well as wondering if they were thinking about me as much as I was thinking about them. Some would call it a crush, and that’s what I thought it was for a long time, but I’ve come to realize that it was something much less cute: codependency.

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Ayanna Millerbatch 3
69: It Goes Both Ways

Sex is the famous 69 - an open conversation filled with both giving and receiving. While following the rule of 69, oral sex goes both ways. But the oral sex gap is hard and at large. Blowjobs are “normal”, heavily discussed in entertainment, media, and sex-ed. Vulvas, on the other hand, are left out to dry. Blowjobs are “expected”, a ritual of one-sided foreplay while cunnilingus is...not. This article talks about oral sex toward people with vaginas, as well as the importance of talking to our partners about our sexual needs and desires.

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Lexy Berrybatch 3
Cheating: The Cardinal Sin of Relationships?

A piece that unpicks the nuances of cheating and how it affects our relationships. I want to open up the conversation about cheating, why it’s so upsetting when it happens, and why people often treat it as the cardinal sin of cheating. If we unpick the causes and effects of infidelity, perhaps there’s a way to mitigate the harm it does to so many relationships.

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Alice Garnettbatch 3
Why Do We Try to Fix People?

“Why Do We Try to Fix People?" entertains a lifelong question in experiencing abandonment and commitment issues wrapped in a sparkly, bright red bow on both partners and ourselves. Wondering what pulls us closer to avoidant types, how codependency rears its head (whether we are conscious of our choices or not), and reflecting on the patterns of trying to "fix" others, or how we might audition ourselves as opposed to making sure a partner fits our standards.

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Sydney Tatebatch 3
"I Haven't Had Sex in a Year." The People Whose Sex Lives Went on Permanent COVID Hiatus

Our social lives have all been disrupted by the pandemic to some degree, but some have suffered more than others—particularly when it comes to our sex lives. For anyone navigating the last year single and shielding, the concept of casual sex has been entirely off the cards. In this article, we chat with the people whose sex lives have ground to a halt, how they have managed, and how they feel about a return to normality.

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Crushing vs. Connecting: Do You Really Like Them?

Being able to differentiate a schoolgirl crush from having genuine chemistry with someone is something that I still find myself struggling with. I like to think of crushing as being attracted to the mere idea of someone, while a genuine connection is established through mutual attraction and legitimate compatibility. I hope to explore some key clues that our readers can recognize to differentiate the two.

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Sasha Waymanbatch 3
Why You Shouldn’t Date For Marriage in Your Teens & Early 20’s

Going into my 20’s I’ve begun to see that more than a handful of people I have known throughout the years have started getting married, having children, and trying to start a family. As someone who couldn’t want anything less than that, here’s just a little reminder that your time is not running out, you are right on track. You are the one who gets to decide the timeline for your own life (whether you want to get married or not).

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I Made Us a Playlist...Whoever You Are

For those of us who have yet to experience love, music is the next best thing. While I have yet to fall madly in love with someone, my favorite love songs will keep the passion alive until that day comes. In the meanwhile, enjoy this playlist of songs for my special no one.

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Sasha Waymanbatch 3
Rakes, Wii Remotes, & Wine Bottles: How Misinformation Can Lead to Unsafe Masturbation

If you explored masturbation as a child or teen, you might have sneakily taken tools to the bedroom that were not necessarily made for masturbating – I certainly did. What we didn’t know at the time is how unsafe these items actually were. What if we had access to toys that were meant for our bodies? What if we felt comfortable discussing sex and masturbation with our parents? I interviewed vulva-havers on their journey with masturbation as a teen, their opinions on what might have changed if they felt comfortable discussing sex with their parents, and I explored where teens may be getting their information on pleasure today.

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Paige Van Pattenbatch 3
The Ultimate Guide to Online Dating

As someone who has been using dating apps since the day I turned eighteen, I know better than anyone how exhausting and monotonous swiping can get. All the aspects of online dating, such as building a good profile, sussing out red flags, and having the best first dates possible are things that have taken me four years to perfect. In this mini-walkthrough of the dating app experience, I will share all the things I’ve learned through my (extensive) trial and error in the world of online dating.

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Ayanna Millerbatch 3
Holding Steadfast in Our Need for Healing

"Holding Steadfast in Our Need for Healing" addresses the difference between healing and hurt as it pertains to relationships. This piece considers how to approach forgiveness, how it relates to our self worth, and how distancing ourselves from ego to forgive can encourage inner rehabilitation. Our boundaries deserve to be respected, and we owe the kindness of consideration to ourselves as much as we provide it for others.

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Sydney Tatebatch 3
IUD 101 

IUDs are known for being one of the most long-lasting and effective birth controls out there right now, but there are many things to be considered before you decide to get one for yourself. Before I got my IUD, I had a million questions and I felt like Google didn’t fully prepare me for what I would be experiencing throughout the process of getting it. Here I am going to answer some of the biggest questions I had about getting an IUD, as well as give you some perspectives of other people with IUDs to show the wide range of opinions and experiences surrounding this method of birth control.

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Ayanna Millerbatch 3
Untamed by Glennon Doyle: A Book Review

Amelia writes about Untamed - the third memoir from Glennon Doyle including anecdotes about love, sexuality, religion and addiction. In a short chapter titled permission slips, Glennon responds to ‘but you were born this way’ comments, and elaborates more on how she chooses to love her wife. Amelia writes a response from another Queer perspective.

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Amelia Grovesbatch 3